Front End Engineer with 11 years of experience in developing dynamic web applications under Healthcare, Commercial internet banking, Information security system, Private banking, Regulatory reporting and Renewable energy domains.
Working on development and maintenance of single page application using technologies like JavaScript, React, Backbone.js, Typescript, HTML, CSS, Node.js and SASS. Involved in all phases of Software Development life cycle.
Developed customer facing payment app interface using JavaScript, Polymer, HTML, CSS, Material Design components. Integrated Web services required for International FED transfer and to generate reports.
Developed Information security single page web application using JavaScript, Angular2, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Material Design, MongoDB to centralize security findings through fortify and checkmarx process.
Involved in re-engineering of Campaign portal using Python and Oracle DB. Implemented multithreading technique to handle requests asynchronously and prepared manual test cases covering portal functionality.
Redesigned and developed Renewable energy application using Python, Django, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS. Developed carbon saving calculation logic by understanding business requirement and California law of carbon saving calculation, prepared test cases for application.
Development and maintenance of fully functional customer facing application using JavaScript, Java, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Ab-initio, Tivoli, Autosys, O2MS reporting server, UNIX shell scripting. Involved in requirement gathering from CitiBank, prepared technical documents, coordinated with offshore team for deliverables. Provided both L1 & L2 support during production phase.
Developed Citi Private Bank's advices and confirmations to send to their high net-worth customers using JSP, ISIS papyrus reporting, Java, XML. Developed multiple reporting templates using ISIS Papyrus reporting server. Implemented Barcode over advices and confirmations. Performed to capture transaction details from several systems like Systematics, FX Trades, and Mutual Funds which are collected in formed as Advice in preset template that differs for each type of transactions and sent to Printers in different locations(SG/HK).