As an Orthodox Jew prior to coming to Faith in Christ I have a special rapport
with many people of different backgrounds. More of a Listener. Amongst my other job duties Working on a Team with the Aim of Pleasing the Customer/Client. Seasoned Volunteer with success assisting organizations with service delivery and fundraising. Purpose-driven professional excels in organization and public relations. Consistently maintains professional appearance and attitude when representing organization to propel image.
As part of my education I was placed in different Special Education Classes and assisted the Teacher.
I had a stroke at the age of 7, October 1970. I work out at a local gym 3 times a week. "I am an Over-Comer."
When insecurities beset me I say to myself: "I have to get out of my way!"
"God may have special work for you to do in spite of your condition,
or even because of it. Many have ministered effectively to hurting
people because they have triumphed over their own hurts."
(quoted from Life Application Study Bible, KJV, pg. 2056)