Successful at keeping callers calm and gathering required information to support police and other first responder actions. Organized and thorough in documenting calls. Helps first responders coordinate emergency actions and support local community.
Information intake
LEADS full access
LEADS full access
Advanced Emergency Medical Dispatcher
CIT Concepts for 9-1-1
MABAS/ITTF Dispatcher Training Summit
MABAS Advanced
Las Vegas Active Shooter
Health and Welfare in our Profression
Critical Incident Stress for Telecommnicator
FEMA NIMS IS 100.a - Introduction to the Incident Command System
FEMA NIMS IS 200.a - Incident Command System for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
FEMA NIMS IS 700 - National Incident Management System
FEMA NIMS IS 800.b - National Response Framework, an Introduction
FEMA NIMS IS 907 - Active Shooter: What You Can Do
Dispatcher's Role in Terrorism/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents Seminar