Educational Professional with 20 years of Elementary Education teaching experience. Exceptional communication skills. Desires a challenging role in the teaching field. Very driven to help children succeed.
Superior house manager and organizer.
Ability to multitask for 12 hours at a time!
Incredibly skilled in preschool curriculum.
Ability to make play critical learning moments all day long.
Patient and incredibly kind.
Dedicated to make the children I am helping to raise become the most amazing little human beings possible!
Committed to providing differentiated education to my students.
Dedicated in teaching effective lessons that assure my students success.
Focused on meeting individual student needs.
Effective at positive and daily parental communication.
Completely and totally passionate about educating children.
Driven to learn something new, every single day.
Provided excellent daily lesson plans.
Effective in maintaining classroom discipline.
Teacher leader for university student teachers.
Highly experienced teaching in a blended and inclusive setting.
Excellent with children
Patient and incredibly supportive
Well organized
Passionate about teaching and learning
Expert at differentiating lessons
Superior at multi-tasking
Completely child centered
Expert at parent communication
Since moving to Maryland, I have been involved in delivering meals for Meals on Wheels of Rockville, MD.
I have been an avid volunteer for The National Alliance on Mental Health.