Focused supervisor with a history of experience in customer service and animal care. Able to delegate, mediate, and manage with confidence. Excells in a number of areas and able to adapt to a wide array of responsibilities. A down-to-earth personality but has no trouble thinking outside the box. Eager to learn and grow through success and failure alike.
International Youth Silent Film Festival, Nominee (2019)
Lead Actor and Editor.
Redford Theater, Detroit, Michigan.
Pieces of Us, Vol. 2 (2019)
Scriptwriter and Actor.
Script Club, Oldham County High School.
Spectrum Art & Literature Magazine (2018 – 2019)
Member, Editor, and Contributor.
Oldham County High School.
Spectrum Art & Literature Magazine (2016 – 2017)
Member and Contributor.
Oldham County High School.
Oldham County High School Symphonic Band 1 & 2 (2015 – 2018)
Flute and Bassoon, Sym. Band 2 (2015-2017). Flute, Sym. Band 1 (2017-2018).
Distinguished Solos, Flute (2013 – 2018)
Solos and Ensembles.
(Held at) North Oldham High School.