Someone who LISTENS, and enjoys people. Hi, I am Tiffany, a servant at heart. I often find myself the person who bends over backwards to help. With no questions asked! Being dedicated by bringing top notch skills in oral and written communication, an active listener as well as an analytical problem-solver. My decades of experience has enhanced my confidence level and made me very fortunate to have a solid book of business I can call my own "everlasting" relationships to be proud of. When your are able to walk into a room, meet someone for the first time and get to know them, listen, to what their actually saying, pouring there heart out in compassion about what they love to do but need your help. Understanding that is what brought me to today and made me extremely successful at what I do. My happy place is being an active relationship builder someone who wants to stay connected, the person who takes your call asking for help. I can always sell something, a card board box, even. But what I am truly selling is myself the desire to help someone when it's needed. When you can understand, the secret sauce, the true dynamic of sales. If someone can articulate, high driven results with exemplary passion for developing relationships, cultivating partnerships and growing businesses. You've got Tiffany Andrus.
10 years - Vice President & Served on the Board of Otsego/ Plainwell Chamber of Commerce
8 years - Elected & Co Chair, Otsego Creative Arts Festival.
5 years - Manager of Business Booths of Creative Arts Festival.
1 years - Planning Commissioner, Otsego Main Street (Character role in "Wizard of Otsego")
2 years - Organization Team Manager, Otsego Main Street
Russ Wendt
Chris Franks
T: 269.599.8231
Habib Mandwee
T: 269.207.3909
Brian Rampenthal
T: 616.337.5292
Lucas Lowe
T: 1.989.413.3188
Jennifer Collins