Work History

Tiffany Bui

San Francisco,CA


  • Chancellor's List (December 2019 - December 2020)


years of professional experience

Work History

Public Service Aide - Associate to Professionals / Accounts Payable Voucher Processor

City and County of San Francisco - Public Utilities Commission
04.2024 - Current

Part Time - 24 hours a week

  • Audited and pre-audited different invoice payments into a database system called PeopleSoft using the City and County of San Francisco, Office of the Controller-Accounting Policies and Procedures.
  • Analyzed, interpreted, and detected errors from financial data given by other divisions when processing invoices and communicated with the divisions for clarification to correct and then approve the vouchers to the next stage for the final payout to the suppliers.
  • Proofread to ensure accuracy when processing invoices by calculating expenditures from documents including purchase order receipts and packing slips; as well as entering correct line amounts for the quantity and unit price, sales tax, discount terms, dates, and locations.

Poll Worker Dispatch and Ballot Delivery Driver - 1402 Junior Clerk

City and County of San Francisco - Department of Elections
02.2024 - 03.2024

Full Time - 40 hours a week

  • Delivered, educated, and assisted voters with their ballots and election materials by reading, filling out their ballots, and answering ballot/election questions; securely delivered their ballots at City Hall.
  • Safely drove backup poll workers from City Hall to polling places in San Francisco under the Emergency Ballot Delivery Program on Election Day.
  • Served as a Ballot Processor and a Logic and Accuracy Proofer by processing return vote-by-mail and ballots, preparing the ballots for tabulation, organizing and filing reports and documents in a prescribed manner, and proofreading reports with an expected 100% accuracy rate.

Compliance Investigator - GS-1801-07

United States Department of Agriculture, USDA
07.2023 - 02.2024

Full Time - 40 hours a week

  • Conducted surveillance activities in-commerce facilities to educate businesses and officials about food safety and food defense to ensure that the meat, poultry, and egg products are from approved sources, properly labeled, wholesome, and fit for human consumption and collected samples of products to test for pathogens, species, economic adulteration, and foreign ingredients.
  • Investigated alleged violations of law to support criminal, civil, and administrative actions by conducting traceback/traceforward activities to determine the location of implicated products that may result in conducting recalls, detentions, and seizures which provide for the removal of adulterated products from commerce to protect public health and prevent further illnesses.
  • Verified compliance with the alleged violation by enforcing the laws and regulations to firm representatives, conducted enforcement follow-up visits, and documented the information promptly into a database system called AssuranceNet.


Bachelor of Science - Management And Business Economics

University of California, Merced


  • Accounting
  • Investigation
  • Research Analysis
  • Effective Time Management
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Excellent Work Ethic
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Microsoft Office Excel
  • Adobe Photoshop


Economics of Money and Banking, Business Law, Health Economics, Advanced Accounting,

Corporate Finance, Economics of Marketing and Consumer Behavior, Economics of Game Theory, Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Public Service Aide - Associate to Professionals / Accounts Payable Voucher Processor

City and County of San Francisco - Public Utilities Commission
04.2024 - Current

Poll Worker Dispatch and Ballot Delivery Driver - 1402 Junior Clerk

City and County of San Francisco - Department of Elections
02.2024 - 03.2024

Compliance Investigator - GS-1801-07

United States Department of Agriculture, USDA
07.2023 - 02.2024

Bachelor of Science - Management And Business Economics

University of California, Merced
Tiffany Bui