Hardworking and passionate job seeker with strong organizational skills eager to secure a position in the apprenticeship at any cost. Im ready to achieve one of my main goals. I come from a background of tree work getting into it fresh out of highschool for 3 years before making the transition. line work is something ive always wanted to do mostly to do with my Father being a journeyman union lineman along with 2 of my uncles also being lineman. But also to be able to work alongside a lifelong mentor as my dad.
To be a lineman you should first ask a lineman.
I had took a storm call for the winds that blew through the north east in mid December.
We stayed in Clinton, CT for several days working on Eversource property safely and timely turning on power before christmas.
This was the first Hurricane i was at, along with the man camps it was new experience for sure. We started off on duke property then got released to a little co-op that had not deployed any restoration efforts. They had assessed the damage for three days upon our arrival only to find out that 90% of their system was completely down. The ten days we were there was nothing but back to back broke pole change outs along with fishing out wire from downed trees and splicing new wire back in.
We were sent to Lansing due to the severe wind and rains that had came through. Most of the time we spent there was all service work with a little bit of 3 phase work. Weatherheads ripped from houses, services yanked off the pole, house knobs pulling out, services being yanked off the pole. Now with the 3 phase, the little bit that was tore down was mostly snapped crossarms. Little bit of framing but nothing overbearing.
We left out of Ohio and headed for Georgia for a little storm that had blew through. Once we had Got everything lined up we started riding out line that we had been assigned to only to find several services being tore off the pole from tree limbs. we also had to change out 1 transformer due to what was concluded a lightning strike.
Arrived to Indiana after they had a durrachio pass through there. I was there for 8 days and almost all the work was in a backyard unaccessible in most places we had went to. The work itself wasn't nothing major just pull wire, cut it out if needed splice new in and send it up. The worst part about the situation was trying to get everything I needed in a timely manner to my lineman, As he was almost always in his hooks.
This was my first "normal gig' 69KV monopole changouts. Was my first experience on a transmission gig just learning trying to take everything i can in. In the first couple weeks i was on the job our operator drug up and i was put in the seat. Mind blown is a complete understatement when I was told to hop up there. little did i know then that was the best thing for me. Not only knowing how to run the equipment but also being able to learn the signal, knowing whats the best placement for the Derrick to make it easiest on my lineman. Several underlying things i never would've thought of had my Gf not allowed me to run the digger.
First taste in Line work was a good intro into what to expect with the waist high snow and downed wire absolutely everywhere. As soon as we were able to get into buffalo it was a long process to start, with having to walk out everytap, struggling to get to the mainline due to all the snow. once they had got a gameplan together we all went to work. Mostly it was a learning trip for me considering it was my first time out, lots of grunt work. Several trips to get material, dragging tools in and out of the snow to the poles. It was long nights and early mornings but all worth it in the end.
Quick Learner
Team Player
Very hands on
Attentive at all times
Commutative among all parties
Will to succeed