Strong communication and relationship building skills, and the ability to problem solve and find more efficient and effective processes to fulfill daily job requirements.
2021 Wilkes Circles of Care - Board Member - Participate in monthly meetings to help guide the organization. Assisted in the planning and execution of fund raising campaign.
2019 - 2021 HeART & Soul - Co- created a program to provide a creative outlet for Wilkes County residents who are living in poverty.
2018-2021 Wilkes Circles of Care - Provide support for individuals working to move out of poverty.
2016-2017 Christian Outreach Center - Unloaded and shelved food for the food bank.
2016 First Lego League - Mentor/Assistant Coach - Guided and assisted middle school students in preparation to compete in First Lego League.
2003-2004 Communities in Schools - ThinkCOLLEGE & Career Center Volunteer - worked with middle school and high school students to assist them in the research and preparation of their college search.