- Investigated system issues and implemented resolutions to reduce downtime.
- Improved systems with addition of new features and infrastructure.
- Provided educational expertise and mentoring to junior team members.
- Supervised architecture, design and implementation of company-wide platforms and applications.
- Fixing trade booking errors
- Responsible for data delivery to all downstream systems
- Administered project L2 tasks and maintained client relationship.
- Conducted incident management, problem management and escalation management.
- Collaborated with team and ensured to close all escalation cases from stakeholders.
- Managed existing and unassigned tickets as per request along with team members and monitored snow incident/requests queue effectively.
- Participated in daily status meetings and reported to the stakeholders; examined the communication channel - from the process adherence perspective & project implementation process.
- Identified critical errors and generated alerts in logs on time base by UNIX format.
- In case any delay in data processing from up-stream system need to co-ordinate between upstream and traders
- Engaged in:
o Root cause Analysis for all incidents
o Performing application support activities
o Monitoring the Production environments
o Scheduling and running the jobs using job schedular Autosys