Hardworking and Passionate about my career to help me succeed and insure my work is to the best quality given in a proficient time frame. Dedicated to learn and adapt skills from my peers or mentor to better myself and engage my work to its maximum. Passionate about performance in the Automotive industry and using my spare time to rebuild and tune cars to reach a certain achievement for the clientele or myself at the time.
Advanced my Automotive skills and was given more responsibility to diagnose/repair gasoline and light duty diesel as needed. Was promoted within 6 months to a Flat Rate wage due to exceeding my flagged hours and knowledge. Was also the only Flat Rate Tech to be given mechanical and electrical diagnosing tasks in the Quick lane Department due to completion with Ford Training and exceeding my knowledge expectations.
Was my introduction to an Automotive Shop that focused on quick oil changes and small services with no major repairs or diagnosing. Learn the basics of gasoline and light duty vehicles over the span of close to 2 years, was also given the opportunity to learn skills through promotions.