Work History
Teaching Experience
Awards and Recognition
Memberships and Service
Work Availability
Hi, I’m

Camille Broussard Wise, Ed.D.

“As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think.
Toni Morrison
Camille Broussard Wise, Ed.D.


Accomplished CEO, executive leader, higher education instructor, and passionate social equity advocate with demonstrated success in maximizing organizational capacity to meet its diverse stakeholders' needs. Offering advanced knowledge of education curriculum and program design and delivery, as well as fiscal and administrative operations related to private, public, and for profit entities. Expert executive coach and course developer in the areas of leadership, management, research methodology, and application of equity-centered and culturally-responsive practices.


years of professional experience

Work History

Wise Leadership Consulting

Founder & CEO
07.2020 - Current

Job overview

  • Founded Wise Leadership Consulting, a research-based, culturally responsive firm committed to training and coaching leaders to make sustainable change in their own efficacy, and specifically in the areas of effective leadership and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion through smart and actionable strategic planning.
  • Executive leadership and career development coach with proven success in advancing impact of historically marginalized populations using research-based and culturally responsive approaches.
  • Utilize scientifically validated tools to measure clients’ baseline level of inclusiveness, and map out a pathway to sustaining diversity, equity, and inclusion their companies and organizations.
  • Provide 1:1 private and group leadership and DEI courses and coaching to executives, business leaders, and aspiring leaders.

Department Of Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment

Division Manager
09.2019 - 03.2020

Job overview

  • Organizational and Personnel Stewardship: Executive level planning, direction, and oversight of three major Department sections including Youth Employment (Landscape & Learning Employment Program, WIOA Employment Program, Prime Time Teens Internship Program), Youth Development and Civic Engagement (Sacramento Youth Commission, Program Quality Assessment Initiative, Summer @ City Hall Youth Internship), and After school enrichment and Childcare (4thR and CDE-funded After School Enrichment Services) totaling 100+ managerial, programmatic, and administrative staff at multiple school-based and community center sites.
  • Change Management and Leadership: implementation of Youth Development Framework Curriculum and Programming Quality Assessment for organizational and service provider capacity building of City and community-based organization programs. Develop and make budget request presentations to City Council for staffing and program resources to advance Citywide Youth Development Framework, and workforce development initiatives.
  • Fiscal and Resource Management: oversight of General Fund, categorical, and grant-supported personnel, services, and supplies in excess of $5 million including development of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) application.
  • Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships: represent and advocate for regional collaborative youth and workforce development initiatives, programs, and projects. Represent department in City of Sacramento Mayor's Workforce Collective that includes electeds, and representatives from government, business, education, and diverse community-based advocates.

Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment

Superintendent, Community Centers
04.2018 - 09.2019

Job overview

  • Personnel Development and Leadership: inspire, coach, champion, and evaluate diverse team of 200+ programmatic, fiscal, administrative, and custodial staff, including 11 direct reports in two department IDs for multiple year-round operations and programs.
  • Fiscal & Budget Management: establish and oversee four separate funds including operating and capital budgets totaling approximately $7M. Ensure effective and efficient stewardship of public resources. Oversight of Department's primary data, reservations, pay point, and customer management system (ActiveNet).
  • Change Management & Leadership: implemented Community Centers delivery of department's Strategic Plan and Citywide Youth Development Plan by operationalizing concepts into tangible impact, including center-specific and system-wide vision boards and work plans. Create and foster culture of innovation, accountability, and responsiveness to diverse communities served through short and long- range goals, plans, policies, and marketing efforts. Develop and monitor performance measurement data and reporting. City U Leadership Challenge Instructor to identify and develop organizational leaders.
  • Facilities & Project Management: performed stewardship and improvements to 12 City-owned and joint-use facilities including six community centers, four clubhouses, Sacramento Softball Complex, Didion Gym, and School-Based Hot Spots. Capital Improvement management for both facility and adjacent recreation amenities improvements.
  • Partnerships & Collaboration: enhance and expand recreational and lifelong learning offerings to diverse communities served thru cultivation and sustaining of innovative and collaborative partnerships. Utilize and increase reputation capital, thus expanding Community Centers' reach, representation, and relevance to address diverse community needs.

Department of Parks and Recreation

Resource Development Specialist
06.2006 - 03.2021

Job overview

  • Led successful Resource Development Unit and increased funding to more than $30 million in capital and program grants. Design and lead strategic planning for equitable distribution of funds citywide. Prepare and present written and oral reports to department and City leadership, grantors, and City Council.
  • Managed City - Schools Collaborative aligning City services with school districts' objectives, enhancing educational and socio-emotional outcomes for students, and maximizing resources for agencies. Researched, developed, and presented evidence-based policy recommendations and best practices to leadership.
  • Manage various special projects including department's performance measures, and research and development of departmental policies and procedures ensuring employee and public safety, legal compliance, fair and consistent human resource management, and highest quality service delivery.

Mayor's Office of Children, Youth and Their Families

Planner & Policy Analyst/Community Liaison
01.2001 - 08.2004

Job overview

  • Served as Mayor's Office Community Liaison responsible for community engagement with diverse stakeholders on multi-party youth initiatives and task forces (Commission on the Status of Women Anti-Human Trafficking Working Group, LGBTQQ Task Force, Youth Initiated Projects Micro Grants).
  • Developed and implemented strategic, programmatic, and fiscal aspects of citywide Organizational Development Initiative providing capacity building workshops and executive coaching to community-based organizations. Designed and conducted needs assessment and evaluation of initiative for effectiveness.
  • Managed all programmatic, personnel, fiscal, training, and grant compliance aspects of Mayor's Summer Food Service Program. Recruited, hired, trained, and supervised diverse team of more than 40 staff. Increased participant and site enrollment in program by more than 50 percent.

Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance

Human Services Program Planner - Homeless Services
10.2005 - 06.2006

Job overview

  • Negotiated and managed McKinney-Vento-funded contracts to homeless services providers; Oversaw grant administration of Adolfo Program and increased transitional housing and support services by 20 percent to homeless, former foster youth. Developed and facilitated collaborative process to improve services and outcomes.
  • Researched and presented best practices for fiscal and programmatic effectiveness measurement tools, and organizational and professional development trainings to enhance overall capacity of service providers.


Drexel University
Sacramento, CA

Ed.D. from Educational Leadership & Management - Higher Ed.

Golden Gate University
San Francisco, CA

MPA from Public Administration

San Diego State University
San Diego, CA

Bachelor of Arts from Psychology


  • Executive Leadership & Management Coaching
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Curriculum Development and Delivery
  • Personnel Development & Leadership
  • Program & Project Management
  • Resource Development & Strategic Partnerships
  • Student Development Principles & Practices
  • Equity-Minded Practices Implementation
  • Research & Evaluation Methods
  • Curriculum Development & Instruction
  • Workforce Development Principles & Practices
  • Business Development and Planning
  • Entrepreneurial and Innovative
  • Business Consulting

Teaching Experience

City of Sacramento, Developer and Instructor
The Leadership Challenge Professional Development Program, 2017-2020
Served on the development and facilitation committee to deliver the CIty of Sacramento Human Resource Department's leadership and professional development program - The Leadership Challenge. Designed and presented quarterly "Inspiring A Shared Vision" module of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® (Kouzes and Pozner, 1982) to multiple cohorts of City employees identified to participate in the 5-week long program.

William Jessup University, Adjunct Faculty

Master of Arts in Leadership Program – LDRS 530 Leadership & Diversity, 2017
Designed and taught brand-new online course including, selection of texts, creating student learning objectives, grading rubric, video and PowerPoint lectures and assignments to guide students to develop greater diversity awareness. Course explored the challenges and opportunities of leading across and through cultures, giving students deeper understanding of “privilege and power” issues associated with leadership. The course examined ways to empower across diverse gender, ethnic, socio-economic, educational, and disability spectra.

William Jessup University, Adjunct Faculty

Master of Arts in Teaching Program – EDU 507 Social Cultural Foundations, 2016 - 2017
Designed and taught course curricula in a hybrid format including online and in-person lectures, assignments, and grading rubric to evaluate students’ academic performance. The course prepared future teachers and leader-educators to examine a broad overview of concepts and in the history, philosophy, and social theories underlying North American educational development, including issues of multicultural education and the instructional implications in a pluralistic society. Emphasis on developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive instructional practices that create equal access for all.

William Jessup University, Thesis Mentor

Master of Arts in Teaching Program, 2015 - 2017
Advise, mentor, and serve as chairperson for research proposal and thesis defense process for Master of Arts in Teaching students (MAT). Scaffold the thesis process to ensure students' success by providing instruction and support on methodology, qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, and conventions of scholarly research and writing. Participate in continuous improvement committee responsible for program evaluation and alignment of MAT course series curriculum with culminating thesis process. Program-wide course curriculum and thesis research topics include policy analysis and implementation, evaluation of categorical programs, effective pedagogy and curriculum, learning disabilities and interventions, organizational leadership and development, cultural responsiveness, and research methods.

Drexel University, Affiliate Faculty
Master of Science in Higher Education program (MSHE), 2014 - 2015
Curriculum development and program evaluation for maximum rigor and student enrichment, design and present course curricula in a hybrid format including online and in-person lectures, evaluate student’s academic performance, mentor students for career guidance. Course curriculum development includes topics related to system-wide higher education policy analysis and implementation, organizational leadership and development, and career development within community college and four-year institutions.

San Francisco State University, Guest Lecturer
Doctor of Education Program, 2013

Presented “Advanced Leadership Seminar” capstone course for Ed.D. Program. Lectured doctoral candidates on findings and implications of original research, as well as successfully navigating the doctoral program.

California State University, Sacramento, Guest Lecturer

Master of Public Policy and Administration Program, 2013

Presented “Thesis 101”. Developed and presented lecture to Masters Candidates on research methodology, data collection and analysis, and conventions of scholarly research and writing.
Presented “Thesis 101”. Developed and presented lecture to Masters Candidates on research methodology, data collection and analysis, and conventions of scholarly research and writing.


Wise, C. B. (2013). No Crystal Stair: Narratives of female community college presidents of color (Doctoral dissertation - UMI No. 3568307).

Wise, C.B. (2008). Developing a Strategy for Effective and Sustainable Urban Renewal and Redevelopment (Masters thesis).

Awards and Recognition

Leo and Margaret Goodman-Malamuth Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2013
American Association of University Administrators

Exceptional Woman of Color Award – Educational Research, Sacramento Cultural
Hub Media Foundation 2014

Memberships and Service

Reviewer, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Journal 2014-Present


Certification in the administration and debriefing of the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory (IBI) ™

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Founder & CEO

Wise Leadership Consulting
07.2020 - Current

Division Manager

Department Of Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment
09.2019 - 03.2020

Superintendent, Community Centers

Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment
04.2018 - 09.2019

Resource Development Specialist

Department of Parks and Recreation
06.2006 - 03.2021

Human Services Program Planner - Homeless Services

Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance
10.2005 - 06.2006

Planner & Policy Analyst/Community Liaison

Mayor's Office of Children, Youth and Their Families
01.2001 - 08.2004

Drexel University

Ed.D. from Educational Leadership & Management - Higher Ed.

Golden Gate University

MPA from Public Administration

San Diego State University

Bachelor of Arts from Psychology

Certification in the administration and debriefing of the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory (IBI) ™

Camille Broussard Wise, Ed.D.