Work History

Christa Jergens



Driven, passionate educator with experience in providing quality care to children of all ages. Skilled in creating age and stage-appropriate activities to encourage physical, emotional and social development. Knowledgeable in child-development, pyramid model, and classroom strategies. Experience in mentoring, consulting, and coaching. Diverse background in helping students of all abilities reach milestones and learning goals. Strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as office experience. Resourceful, team-oriented and striving to meet the needs of all children by providing the tools, support, and guidance for the educators and caregivers who teach them.


years of professional experience

Work History

Child Care Consultant

Iowa Child Care Resource And Referral
08.2022 - Current

  • Strengthened relationships between providers and families by improving regular communication and addressing concerns promptly.
  • Advanced knowledge of current trends in early childhood education by attending conferences, webinars, or other relevant professional development opportunities.
  • Developed comprehensive policies and procedures with providers to guide daily operations to meet state requirements and improve quality of care across multiple locations or programs.
  • Promoted training and retention of child care providers through the organization of events, workshops, and support groups, as well as individual consultation visits.
  • Coached programs in implementation of Program Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Systems Pyramid Model, which focuses on the social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of young children birth to five.
  • Encouraged participation and assisted programs in completing process to become rated in Iowa's Quality for Kids system.
  • Partnered with local and state agencies to stay current in requirements and services for providers in the State of Iowa.

5th Grade General Education Teacher

Des Moines Public Schools
01.2007 - 06.2022
  • Collaborated with grade-level team for differentiated instruction as part of a PLC
  • Created and maintained strong relationships with co-workers, students and families through open communication, care, and respect.
  • Coordinated and co-taught lessons with special education and ELL teachers.
  • Participated in and implemented Schools for Rigor training.
  • Utilized assessment tools, designed and implemented instructional strategies and analyzed data to guide instruction.
  • Implemented and presented social skills instruction, created and monitored behavior plans/interventions.
  • Developed comprehensive lesson plans that catered to diverse learning styles, enhancing comprehension of subject material for all students.
  • Established a positive classroom environment by promoting mutual respect and open communication among students.
  • Increased student engagement by incorporating hands-on activities and collaborative projects.

2nd Grade Classroom and Virtual Teacher

Des Moines Public Schools
01.2020 - 01.2022
  • Trained students and families to use computers, Teams, and other programs for virtual learning
  • Supported students and families throughout the school year with supplies, resources, and communication as well as learning
  • Coordinated and co-taught lessons with special education and ELL teachers
  • Designed and implemented instructional strategies and analyzed data to guide instruction
  • Participated in and implemented training for EL Instruction.
  • Developed strong relationships with students, parents, and colleagues by maintaining open lines of communication and fostering a supportive learning environment.
  • Worked cooperatively with other teachers, administrators, and parents to help students reach learning objectives.

Head Start Classroom Teacher/ On-Site Director

01.1998 - 01.2007
  • Supervised classroom staff, including associate and Family Advocates
  • Led team planning for student and family needs
  • Planned and facilitated monthly parent education and support meetings
  • Conducted in-home family visits multiple times throughout the year
  • Provided on-going communication with families and community
  • Partnered with social service agencies to connect families to resources as needed
  • Monitored areas of development in children to observe growth and/or detect a need for evaluation and services.


Staff Development and Continuing Education -

Heartland AEA and Drake University

Master of Science in Education - Educational Leadership

Drake University
Des Moines, IA

Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education

Wartburg College
Waverly, IA


  • Child Assessment Techniques
  • Literacy
  • Communication Skills
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solving
  • Stress Management Strategies
  • Professionalism and Ethics
  • Child development expertise
  • Supporting diverse needs
  • Age-Appropriate Activities
  • Documentation And Reporting
  • Curriculum Planning
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Staff Monitoring
  • Teacher Training
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Goal Setting
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Consultation and Coaching
  • Customer Service
  • Teamwork
  • Client Satisfaction


  • Building Leadership Team, 2015-2019, Monroe Elementary, Analyzed and implemented initiatives to improve SIG (School Improvement Grant) plan, Reviewed building data and problem solved ways to improve outcomes, focusing on African American male behavior referrals, Continually discussed building activities and initiatives, staff improvement and planned for supporting teachers and staff
  • Tier I Behavior Team, 2015-2019, Monroe Elementary, Co-facilitator, 2018-19, Analyzed building behavior data and collaborated on goals and expectations for continuous improvement in behavior support system, Created and presented student expectations to staff, Planned, presented, and implemented student reward system, Attended district trainings focused on cultural proficiency and Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
  • Building PBIS Team, 2013-15, McKinley Elementary, Attended PBIS training, Collaborated with PBIS team to develop plans for implementation, Introduced program and expectations to staff, Reviewed and analyzed data to direct team and guide program
  • Building Leadership Team, 2008-2013, Participated in PLCs of Instructional Rounds, Collaboration and Change Initiatives, Collaborated on SINA plans, Created building initiatives, Designed building professional development, Surveyed staff for interests, goals, and feedback, Planned and facilitated poverty simulation workshop for all McKinley Elementary and Willard Elementary staff – September, 2012
  • WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Established program chapter at Monroe Elementary for male father-figure involvement, Recruited fathers and male role models to volunteer in school building and classrooms
  • Literacy Assessment Team, 2010, 2012, Collaborated with district literacy team as well as teachers to review and align assessment, Created district literacy assessments
  • Math Alignment Team, 2010-11, Analyzed district math curriculum and outcomes, Aligned curriculum by skill and grade level
  • Fluency Implementation Trainer, 2009-2010, Attended district fluency trainings, Presented information to building teachers
  • Parent Involvement Committee, 2009-2015, Developed Parent Compact, Planned Family Nights, Multicultural Fair
  • Capturing Kids Hearts Building Trainer, 2008-2010, Provided continuing instruction for staff, Modeled expected program and problem solved with staff
  • Parent-Teacher Association, 2007-2012, Attended monthly meetings, Facilitated collaboration between teachers and parents, Assisted in decision making for building activities and fundraising, Planned activities for students, parents, and staff
  • Safety Coordinator, 1998-2010, Created safety plans for building, Trained staff in building response plans, Developed evacuation, emergency routes and safe areas with Fire Marshall, Collected all building data to write yearly Safety Report and deliver to district
  • Cooperating Teacher for Student Teachers, Mentored pre-service teachers, Established strong relationships of trust and confidentiality, Guided reflection and analysis of teaching and data, Collaborated on effective methods and strategies, Supervised lesson planning, instruction, and classroom management
  • Cooperating Teacher for Central Campus Early Childhood Careers Class, Mentored high school students exploring field of teaching, Continued collaboration with Central Campus teachers for expectations and successful experiences for students
  • ELLLA (English Language Learner Learning Academy), 2011-2012, Attended on-going workshop trainings on strategies for teaching ELL students, Designed implementation plan, Presented to staff for 2011-12 professional development, Coached staff in best practices to teach English Language Learners
  • Child Care Consultant, 2022-present, Cultivated strong relationships with child care providers in centers and homes to offer guidance and support through consultation, Partnered with programs to show evidence and complete applications for Iowa Quality for Kids (IQ4K®)- Iowa’s new Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) for Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), planned bi-annual training days for providers, coached programs through Program-Wide Early Childhood PBIS, recorded documentation of work into state data system,


  • Sherry Amos, Principal, Morris Elementary, 515-242-8421,
  • Dr. Randal Peters, Professor/Advisor, Drake University School of Education, 515-271-2082,
  • Nancy Duey,
  • Sarah Chenoweth, Behavioral Strategist,, 515-314-3883


Child Care Consultant

Iowa Child Care Resource And Referral
08.2022 - Current

2nd Grade Classroom and Virtual Teacher

Des Moines Public Schools
01.2020 - 01.2022

5th Grade General Education Teacher

Des Moines Public Schools
01.2007 - 06.2022

Head Start Classroom Teacher/ On-Site Director

01.1998 - 01.2007

Staff Development and Continuing Education -

Heartland AEA and Drake University

Master of Science in Education - Educational Leadership

Drake University

Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education

Wartburg College
Christa Jergens