Hardworking and passionate career seeker with strong work ethic and public relations experience, customer service skills, eager to secure entry-level position using my expertise and personal growth experience to now help others with their own needs and challenges. Im qualified to offer mentorship, positive reinforcement and guidance in many different areas of need.
I come with a positive, uplifting attitude and will always offer a higher perspective to any situation that arises.
In August 2022 I joined "Magnetic Mind", a 12 month online course in learning the reprogramming of the Subconscious mind and Conscious creation.
In November of 2022, during the program I traveled to San Diego, CA to attend the programs first 3 day workshop in the US. I gained insightful knowledge and practices in the area of self healing and self awareness.
I am continuing on the path of Conscious creating and manifesting.
My objective is to help others learn these techniques I've learned and continue to practice. It is my purpose to raise awareness of self healing and the many different healing modalities available.