Values driven software engineer and educator committed to creating applications that solve real-world problems. Adaptable with a solid work ethic, exhibits strong skills in team-building, project management, and debugging. One who values a team that encourages professional and personal growth, embraces diversity, enjoys solving challenging problems, assists one another, and keeps a positive attitude.
Improved outcomes for low achieving students by implementing a rigorous academic curriculum.
Leadership Chair, grade-level chair, and resident advisor
Clipboard - Github | Demo
A single-page web application where a teacher can track lesson plans to better prepare for each day. ● Designed a DRY, modular React application with easy-to-use, intuitive controls
● Integrated a custom Rails API backend with the React frontend, ensuring streamlined resource creation ● Effectively employed Redux to maintain a single source of truth throughout the program
LuminousScript- Github | Demo
A single-page web application that allows users to display, add, store, and delete a collection of photos. ● Leveraged a JavaScript frontend with a Ruby on Rails API backend
● Interactions between the client and the server are handled asynchronously (AJAX) and use JSON as the communication format
● Utilized Object Oriented JavaScript (classes) to encapsulate related data and behavior
BabyAssurance- Github | Demo
A content management system designed to help parents add and peer review baby products for safety. ● Leveraged Ruby on Rails to build a full application, adhering to RESTful conventions and best practices ● Used Bcrypt to encrypt user information and Omniauth to allow for a third-party logi