Committed and dedicated nursing student with practical patient care experience and solid nursing care understanding. Passionate about maternal nursing, and driven to support women through their journeys to motherhood. Able to handle multiple tasks in busy settings, bilingual, and eager to keep learning and growing in the nursing profession.
Western Sahel Student Association- Founding Vice President
- Provides a space where students of Mauritanian, Senegalese, Gambian, and Malian descent to come together and meet their academic, cultural, and social goals.
- VP role included overseeing the executive board to ensure all requirements are fulfilled as highlighted in the constitution.
Catalyst- Peer Mentor
- Meet weekly with high school students within the Mauritanian-Senegalese community in Columbus to assist them in college preparation and examine different career paths after graduation.
Jokaré Endam Volunteering- Help teach English and provide health education to the Fulani community that recently immigrated to the US in hopes of a better life.