I am a professional representative of my community. My experience in secondary and postsecondary education ensures my skills are transferrable to innovative Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practices in the classroom, administration, and local communities. I efficiently manage classroom dynamics and complete administrative tasks, ensuring productive use of time while maintaining an equitable and culturally responsive lens that fosters critical thinking and development of students and staff through creative expression. My personal skills of professionalism, communication, empathy, and adaptability, facilitate inclusive environments that cater to diverse stakeholder needs.
In addition to my general responsibilities as an English Language Arts teacher, I am also a leader in my department's curriculum planning focusing on closing student achievement gaps through collaboration, research, and data collecting of student STAR testing scores. My efforts as a College In the High School (CiHS) Educator, in partnership with Skagit Valley College, grants students transferrable college credit for post secondary education. I am also a member of my school district Equity Lead Community where my focus targets ares of equitable growth for students, staff, and administrators.
My distinguished contribution of professionalism, equity, problem solving, and service establish a foundation for success to my employer and community.