Highly skilled, top performing Realtor.
Ranked in the top 5% of Realtors in the Atlanta Realtors Association.
#1 Realtor in Harry Norman, Realtors at The Collection
#5 Realtor among 1,000 agents in Harry Norman companywide.
Extensive knowledge of Real Estate transactions
Industry expert on local market conditions
Value client relationships above all else.
Atlanta Magazine Real Estate All-Star - 2022, 2023, 2024
Sell an average of 30 homes per year
Sales volume averages $18M annually
Associate Broker
PSA - Pricing Strategy Analyst
ARS - Accredited Relocation Specialist
BGRS - Brookfield Global Relocation Services
SRES - Seniors Real Estate Specialist
RRS - Residential Remodeling Specialist
Associate Broker
PSA - Pricing Strategy Analyst
ARS - Accredited Relocation Specialist
BGRS - Brookfield Global Relocation Services
SRES - Seniors Real Estate Specialist
RRS - Residential Remodeling Specialist