I started in Residential HVAC with Universal in 2004 in Norcross,Ga. I had highest closing average 2 yrs. in a row ( 2005-2006 ).
I left and went to Comfort Control INC. in 2007-2012. I totaled an average of $1.5 million in sales each year and was General Manager 2010-2012.
I spent 4 months at Cool Ray ( Gwinnett ) March-July and left to work for my former employer Jake Mazhar at Cool Air Mech. because of Costco affiliation. I sold between $1.6-1.8 million each year through 2021 and then worked part time in 2022-July, 2023. I love working and am interested in continuing in sales for the next 2-3 yrs. I can and will train my replacement if so desired.