I am the father to the coolest 3 year old little girl. She has been my motivation and inspiration to aspire to be successful. I switched careers in 2021. Prior to the career change, I found myself working in many different rolls but have always gravitated towards the tech side of life. I took a year of programming my senior year of High School the lead to me majoring in Computer Science. That didn't really go as planned but now I find myself pursuing reawakened dreams. In a rather successful attempt to play "catch up", I attended a Cyber Security Boot Camp through Grand Canyon University where I completed the 4 month, 4 course camp with a 4.0 gpa. I soon after was employed with my first entry level position. Within 2 months, I was promoted to a lead bench technician. I recently passed the 1001 and 1002 exams on my first tries, meeting the requirements for my CompTIA A+ certification. Now, I am looking for a more challenging job where I can develop my expertise in a new industry.
The Exploration Years...
Various Restaurants in my home town.
(I make some amazing italian).
Worked for Verizon climbing telephone poles for 6 months.
More restaurant jobs.
Completed random college courses...
CompTIA's A+
CompTIA's A+