I have worked and counseled students for over 18 years in the community college system. My experience contains the following:
Overseeing the day to day operations of the Hager Hill Campus and completing all records and budgets for the technical programs .
Director of The CATS Center ( Career and Transfer Service Center ) that involved working with students on pursuing their current career choice as well as what would transfer to other schools. Such as tuition agreements with schools such as MSU and U Pike .
Student Affairs III
Many duties are listed under the umbrella of this job title . Counseling, Testing, school admission applications, Financial Aid, Ready to Work Scholarships, Kees Money, work studies, transcripts , and many other duties .
I would love to work for Carl D Perkins Job Corp and use my experience and my education and my passion for assisting students in furthering their education. All students are different and some are meant to be geared towards what best for them but at the same time being compassionate and helpful towards achieving their dream goal.