Maintain current product, market and competitor knowledge to successfully enhance operational and sales development approaches. Performance-oriented in prospecting, networking and completing key sales. Address and solve wide-ranging operations, sales and personnel management problems.
traveled south west coast of Florida Sarasota to Naples
Selling 95% high end wood and 5% vinyl
Plus, adhesive, concrete, sealer, underlayment, floor cleaner, molding, levelers, and unfinished wood
Increased business from $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 in one year
On track to do $5 million in sales this year
Set up displays and doing PK training
Traveling the Southern Half of the State of Florida
Grew business from $500,000 to $4,000,000
Sold 90% vinyl both WPC and SPC & 10%
Wood Flooring
Helped in creating new Coastal Colors for selling
in Florida
Selling 15 lines of LVT, both WPC an SPC
started in the Chicagoland area, then transfer to Tampa Florida working both Chicago and Tampa market
And Tampa worked with top NFA dealer with a 17 store chain and major player group business, 225%
Also grew apartment and new construction by 150%
Responsible for Herregan, distributors commercial and residential, sales training on vinyl. Traveled with 28 residential and commercial reps.
Called on E J Welch distributor, commercial and residential. Sales and training on LVT and Bamboo. Traveled with 30 residential and 5 commercial sales reps.
I Empire today/Chicago worked with corporate office on products and sales training throughout the US on bamboo and cor
Empire Corporate /traveled the US to train Empire at their DC's on bamboo and cork. Worked with Corporate Office on sampling and marketing.
Direct Buy Corporate/ did videos on bamboo and Cork attended yearly sales conventions worked with corporate office on E blast and pouring ads in their direction magazine
FCA/ 5 Retail Stores/ Networks/ E-Floors
Grew CoreTec business to $1 million train the retail sales and management of bamboo and cork also