Work History
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Detail-oriented team player with strong organizational skills. Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously with a high degree of accuracy.

More than 20 years' work experience in public service with recognized strengths in community relations, interviewing and investigations, customer service, effective communication, case management, problem-solving and trouble-shooting. Well-rounded background in problem solving, training, operations and management.

Excellent experience in various enforcement programs, including those that must comply with municipal, state, and/or federal agency guidelines. Ability to train, motivate, and supervise customer service and sworn and non-sworn employees. Encourages growth and new discovery. Effective communicator with citizens, clients, employers, employees, and their families.

Thank for time and consideration.


years of professional experience

Work History

Warren Averett CPAs and Advisors

Security Coordinator
12.2016 - Current

Job overview

  • Executed on-time, under-budget Security-related project management on complex issues for senior leadership. Managed security projects for 13 corporate offices with 800 Employees.
  • Saved time, spearheading special projects, such as security- controlled access and updated digital surveillance cameras though effective physical and digital security measures.
  • Engaged in risk analysis to develop standard operating procedures for potential emergencies and breaches of security.
  • Provided day-to-day support to staff, issuing guidance on management of security situations.
  • Maintained access control database, monitoring visitor traffic and analyzing for potential irregularities or risks.
  • Conducted regular inspections and audits of security systems, facilities and personnel to facilitate ongoing operational improvement.
  • Checked identification of persons entering and exiting facility to eliminate unauthorized visitors.
  • Greeted guests professionally and courteously to cultivate welcoming atmosphere while making safety top priority.
  • Oversaw daily monitoring and patrolled buildings, grounds, and work sites.
  • Served as point of contact for safety and security matters.


Exit Justice Realty, Associate Broker
01.2016 - Current

Job overview

  • Licensed Real Estate Agent focusing on single family residential home sales part time.
  • Researched customer issues to find effective solutions.
  • Proofed documents for grammar errors and to check accuracy of details.
  • Handled daily duties for out-of-office agents, carefully maintaining business standards and quality levels.
  • Provided guidance and consultation to clients to make well-informed decisions in real estate investments.
  • Analyzed local real estate market conditions and trends to identify profitable investment opportunities.
  • Negotiated purchase contracts and lease agreements to establish maximum value for clients.
  • Conducted competitive market analysis to determine optimal pricing for properties.
  • Negotiated real estate contracts to navigate transactions between buyers and sellers.
  • Utilized online marketing platforms to promote real estate services and generate leads.
  • Liaised between property owners and prospective buyers to facilitate purchase and transfer of ownership.
  • Arranged for inspections and surveys of sold properties.
  • Developed innovative strategies and tactics to promote real estate listings and generate new business opportunities.
  • Worked closely with clients to facilitate appropriate loans, inspections, and credit reports.
  • Cultivated strong relationships with agents, lenders and title companies.

Terri Jones Investigations, LLC.

Private Investigator
01.2016 - 01.2018

Job overview

  • Produced professional reports outlining findings of cases, expenses incurred and any important incidents.
  • Tracked claimants through routine and notable activities and documented findings with videos, photographs and audio recordings.
  • Conducted surveillance for various hours at time.
  • Operated in full compliance with Alabama state and local laws covering interactions with individuals, records searches and allowable surveillance techniques.
  • Collected documentation such as witness statements, video recordings and photographs to support case findings.
  • Set up both auditory and visual monitoring and recording devices.
  • Conducted mobile and stationary surveillance on subjects of various investigations.
  • Collected clear requirements from clients and updated each regularly on case progression and to obtain additional objectives.
  • Searched computer databases, credit reports, public records or other resources to locate persons or to compile information for investigations.
  • Uploaded evidence into case management system each day.
  • Surveilled individuals covertly to investigate issues such as fraud and infidelity.
  • Produced professional reports outlining findings of cases, expenses incurred and any important incidents

Jefferson County Department Of Human Resources

Financial Support Worker
01.2013 - 12.2015

Job overview

  • Investigated and enforced non-compliance of court ordered interstate child support cases for Jefferson County, Alabama for over 850 delinquent financial support cases.
  • Performed case management tasks to enforce court-ordered child support obligations.
  • Explained policies, procedures and instructions to parents.
  • Researched legal, financial and other records to obtain data needed to secure and enforce child support cases.
  • Located parents for gaining child support and prepared records of payments.
  • Calculated child support obligations and debts to initiate collection actions.
  • Monitored cases for support order compliance and made adjustments.
  • Evaluated income and expense data of non-custodial parents to determine support capability.
  • Interviewed involved parties to confirm facts, verify data and locate persons and financial assets.
  • Calculated child support obligations and debts.
  • Processed legal documents such as summons, bench warrants, wage attachments and liens to prepare materials for trials.
  • Executed collection calls and written or in-person interactions to solicit child support payments on overdue accounts.
  • Worked in collaboration with local, state and federal departments to obtain documentary evidence and other sensitive information.
  • Performed skip tracing activities to locate absent parents and assets.
  • Used State and Federal supported software to manage and update electronic case files.

Birmingham Police Department

Patrol Sergeant
01.2011 - 11.2013

Job overview

  • Led teams by example, consistently demonstrating correct behaviors and enforcing policies and procedures.
  • Guided officers through difficult situations, backing up teams onsite and advising on strategic decisions.
  • Backed up patrol officers during difficult stops or to answer complex questions.
  • Structured assignments for subordinates based on current patrol priorities, special requirements and individual strengths.
  • , Supervised a 24-hour Emergency 911 call center police operation of sworn police officers and civilian employees to assist in prevention and protection, criminal investigations, logistics, civil disturbances, contraband identification, and health/safety protocols.

Birmingham Police Department

Robbery Detective
03.2010 - 04.2011

Job overview

  • Investigated over 100 crimes of robbery of persons, businesses, financial institutions, and home invasions
  • Delivered calm, professional testimony to support case evidence, establish timelines, and offer law enforcement expertise.
  • Obtained and served more than 50 search warrants related to ongoing cases.
  • Wrotedetailed reports daily outlining case findings for internal files and legal purposes.
  • Gathered facts from interviews of suspects, witnesses, and complainants.
  • Participated in court hearings to provide written reports, evidence and verbal testimonies.
  • Obtained and verified evidence by interviewing, observing and conducting surveillance of suspects and records.
  • Preserved evidence for court hearings and checked integrity of individual pieces.
  • Obtained and served search warrants related to ongoing cases.
  • Kept meticulous and detailed records of each case to avoid causing any problems with prosecution.
  • Wrote detailed reports outlining case findings for internal files and legal purposes.

U.S. Marshalls Sex Offender Task Force

Sex Offender Task Force Officer
09.2009 - 03.2010

Job overview

  • Provided investigations in locating and verifying addresses of convicted sex offenders residing in Jefferson County to ensure compliance with the law of not living in prohibited areas near schools or daycare centers.
  • The task force lasted 6 months and verified addresses for over 900 convicted sex offenders.
  • Offenders out of compliance were violated and arrested for non-compliance.

Birmingham Police Department

01.2001 - 01.2009

Job overview

  • Investigated narcotic drug sales, illegal drinking/gaming establishments and prostitution within city limits
  • Gathered facts from interviews of suspects, witnesses, and complainants.
  • Collected, analyzed and interpreted information, documentation, and physical evidence associated with investigations.
  • Followed constitutional standards to properly obtain and execute warrants for arrests and searches.
  • Collected and preserved physical evidence, photographs and laboratory submissions.
  • Documented drug transactions to gather evidence and complete undercover investigations.
  • Organized and executed undercover surveillance operations.
  • Conducted undercover buys for search warrants which led to cases prosecuted in district courts.

Birmingham Police Department

Field Training Officer
01.1993 - 07.2001

Job overview

  • Coordinated and conducted various training, such as firearms, report writing and physical fitness.
  • Maintained high level of awareness and reported suspicious activity.
  • Revised inmate handbook, policies and procedures.
  • Verified safety and security of inmates within institution through consistent and continuous onsite monitoring.

Birmingham Police Department

Police Patrol Officer
04.1992 - 01.2001

Job overview

  • Secured crime scenes, gathered evidence, and questioned witnesses.
  • Talked regularly with citizens to establish rapport and become familiar presence in area.
  • Investigated and reported crimes, accidents, offenses, and damage to property.
  • Conducted witness interviews and gathered details regarding incidents to determine best course of action.
  • Answered emergency calls for help from citizens and business owners.
  • Patrolled assigned areas to prevent and detect roadway crimes.
  • Patrolled assigned areas to check homes, businesses, and public roads for signs of disturbance.
  • Apprehended offenders and conducted interviews and interrogations.
  • Enforced traffic laws and ordinances through visual observation and radar speed detection.
  • Responded immediately to reports of automobile accidents and criminal activity, calling for additional support as necessary.
  • Gathered necessary information for court appearances and testified as witness under oath in court.
  • Supervised crowds at busy events to prevent injuries and property destruction.


Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville, AL

Master of Science from Emergency Management

Faulkner University
Birmingham, AL

BBA from Business Administration

Birmingham Police Academy
Birmingham Police Department

No Degree from Law Enforcement Accreditation


  • Skilled in staying within department budgets and reaching department objectives on time
  • Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
  • Operations Oversight
  • Community Relations
  • Data Collection
  • Flexible and Adaptable
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Dependable and Responsible
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Problem-Solving
  • Attention to Detail


NRA Pistol Firearms Instructor

Range Safety Instructor

ALICE Active Shooter Response Instructor


Security Coordinator

Warren Averett CPAs and Advisors
12.2016 - Current

Private Investigator

Terri Jones Investigations, LLC.
01.2016 - 01.2018

Exit Justice Realty, Associate Broker

01.2016 - Current

Financial Support Worker

Jefferson County Department Of Human Resources
01.2013 - 12.2015

Patrol Sergeant

Birmingham Police Department
01.2011 - 11.2013

Robbery Detective

Birmingham Police Department
03.2010 - 04.2011

Sex Offender Task Force Officer

U.S. Marshalls Sex Offender Task Force
09.2009 - 03.2010


Birmingham Police Department
01.2001 - 01.2009

Field Training Officer

Birmingham Police Department
01.1993 - 07.2001

Police Patrol Officer

Birmingham Police Department
04.1992 - 01.2001

Jacksonville State University

Master of Science from Emergency Management

Faulkner University

BBA from Business Administration

Birmingham Police Academy

No Degree from Law Enforcement Accreditation

NRA Pistol Firearms Instructor

Range Safety Instructor

ALICE Active Shooter Response Instructor