Compassionate Case Manager experienced in working in shelter environments. Hardworking while dedicated to working with coworkers to achieve positive and successful case outcomes, while offering excellent problem-solving, conflict resolution, and communication abilities to assist clients with achieving their goals, by applying skilled guidance, support and assistance, through strong communication and management skills committed to inspire change.
Cultural competency
Sexual Harassment
LGBTQ Awareness
Understasnding substance Use and Its Impact on shelter residenc
Safe Talk Harm Reduction
Naloxone Overdose Rescue Training
Reducting Job-Related Stress Coping & Orgazational Strenizationa
Understanding Homelessness & Professional Boundaries
Workforce Planning and Development
Mandated Reported
Domestic Violence Intimate partner 101
Mindfulness and Motivational Interviewing - OARS
Understanding Professional Boundaries
Certificate of Achievement Strengths-based Case Management
Non-Coercive approached to Conflict Management