I feel that I am equipped with strong problem-solving abilities, willingness to learn, and excellent communication skills. Poised to contribute to company success and achieve positive results. Ready to tackle new challenges and continue learning my craft with dedication and enthusiasm. I have always been somebody that works hard and strives for the best. I feel that is why I was given larger tasks than others while working for my last employer. I was chosen to represent the local for the apprenticeship competition as it served for a student who showed skills studiously, physically and professionally.
Sheeley’s Car Wash:
Automotive Audio:
Reference #1:
Dave Diviesti
192 Plains Road, Walden NY 12586
Service Manager for Techniciansat MDS
Reference #2:
Stephen Barton
37 Beachwood Circle, Wappingers NY 12590
14 Years with Local 21
Reference #3:
Glenn Sheeley
Owner of Wash Co.
Former Employer at Sheeleys Car Wash
Reference #4:
Clayton Cotthaus
Former Employer of Automotive Audio LTD
195 South Plank Road, Newburgh, NY 12549