To secure a part time position utilizing my personal and professional abilities that allows me to continue being useful and productive. I am on a fixed income. And therefore, limited to how many hours/how much I can earn. I am looking to work a 4 day week from 20 to no more than 25 hours weekly. I am looking to work Monday through Friday A.M. preferred, because I work with the American Legion, supporting our veteran community. I also am a Election Poll Judge, since 2016, for the Missouri Election Board and need 3 to 5 days off a year to participate in the scheduled elections. I often have obligations in the afternoons and evenings.
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09/1977, 03/1986, Delaware Air National Guard (DNAG), Command Post Specialist E5 (SSgt), Honorable Discharge / Non Combat Veteran
Panama Invasion and the Granada/Lebanon Hostilities, American Legion Member since 2016