As a devoted counselor, my primary objective is to assist clients on their journey to healing and self-sufficiency by identifying and nurturing their unique strengths. With extensive experience in residential and outpatient settings, I bring a disciplined and transparent approach to my work. My specialization lies in assessing clients' individual needs and closely collaborating with them to access vital resources, guiding them toward a revitalized and transformed life while employing a harm reduction approach. I take pride in my exceptional communication skills and strong ethical decision-making, ensuring that my clients receive the highest quality of care and support.
Delivered non-clinical support and crisis counseling to meet the emotional, social, and practical needs of individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Assisted clients in accessing essential supportive services for better adherence to primary HIV care, resulting in enhanced health outcomes as well as independence and self-sufficiency. Working with a diverse population, offering compassionate and high-quality care through support groups, personalized sessions, recreational outings, caregiver support, bereavement counseling, and pastoral counseling. Services also encompass providing information, resources, and activities to support individuals in sustaining a positive, healthy lifestyle, including understanding treatment options, holistic and alternative therapies (meditation, visualization, etc.), and other forms of group socio-emotional support.
Maintained detailed client files, including case notes, referral requests, and other reporting documentation, as required by the program.
While ultimately aiming to ensure the continuity of medical care, treatment, and viral load suppression.
As a Becoming A Man (BAM) Counselor, I work with young male-identifying youth in grades 7-12, guiding them to develop social skills, make responsible decisions, and become positive members of their school and community. I lead 4 to 5 BAM groups each week during the school day, using youth engagement, clinical counseling, and men's rites of passage skills. Additionally, I provide individualized support to all BAM participants and offer counseling sessions to students and their families as needed. I also participate in monthly staff development training and team meetings, focusing on the evidence-based BAM curriculum and other relevant topics for working with youth. Documenting all interactions with the youth, educating families about available community resources, advising parents and guardians on adolescent development issues, and encouraging positive behaviors through reinforcement techniques such as praise or rewards are also key aspects of my role.
I coordinate minor to moderate property improvement or rehabilitation work to be carried out by independent contractors and the Capital Construction project manager for major construction projects. I measure and manage property performance against projections and annual budgets. I maintain clear and consistent communication with regional and property managers. I regularly analyze operating statements, budgets, property condition scores, and other data related to asset management, including LIHTC, Historic Credits, HUD Programs, State and Local programs, HOME, TIF, REAC, RAD, Public Housing, Housing Choice Vouchers, etc. I create reports for senior directors and executives, as required. I establish portfolio management strategies to mitigate risk and actively seek out areas for improvement. I review and approve annual property budgets. I handle all escalated resident, apartment, or building complaints from the management company.