Work History
District Committees
Leadership Experience
Honors & Recongitions

Michelle Demko Borselle



To lead Charles Wright Elementary School as principal, fostering a collaborative, data-driven environment where a love of learning is ignited in every student through equitable, inclusive, innovative, and technologically integrated practices, while ensuring the systematic and thoughtful implementation of district initiatives and maintaining a safe and secure learning environment.


years of professional experience

Work History

Department Head of Special Education

CT Technical System
10.2023 - Current

  • Leds a department of 25 staff with various expertise to support over 160 students at a Title I High School
  • Continuous improvement of department climate and competency by providing engaging professional development opportunities.
  • Facilitates the improvement of communication with families to ensure that students were well supported and families were a member of the team.
  • Planned and executed a professional learning plan to improve department efficiency with a focus on communication, data decision making, and student centered planning.
  • Uses innovative methods of professional development with a focus on communication, data decision making, and student centered planning
  • Oversees budget management to ensure cost-effective operations and resource allocation.
  • Championed innovative solutions for addressing key departmental challenges and driving change.
  • Built strong relationships with administrators to allow for collaboration and school-wide improvement
  • Improved department climate and competency by providing engaging professional development opportunities.
  • Evaluates team members and supported the evaluation process
  • Ensures compliance with IEP implementation and special education services.
  • Oversees the creation and implementation of school safety plans and reentry plans

Principal Designee

Wethersfield Public Schools
01.2018 - 10.2023
  • Executed all responsibilities of building principal in the absence of the principal
  • Designed professional development experiences to encourage Courageous Conversations about important topics including Equity, Science of Reading, Restorative Practices, and Engagement
  • Developed, implemented and collected feedback for improvement, a systematic system of collaboration for all staff members to allow for consistent, effective, professional conversations and development
  • Developed and created safety plans, implemented protocols for investigations for a variety of situations including situations impacting safety
  • Followed all health related protocols including communication to ensure that all stakeholders are safe
  • Developed, revises and implements plans for improved security in the building
  • Collaborated with community agencies to ensure that security and safety systems are coordinated with local agencies to ensure effectiveness if needed
  • Collaborated closely with school leaders to ensure that student needs are met
  • Worked with office staff to ensure that all daily staff vacancies are filled in a manner that has the least impact on student learning
  • Chaired PPT and 504 meetings

District Wide Curriculum Specialist/Instructional Coach

Wethersfield Public Schools
01.2018 - 10.2023
  • Member of the WPS District Equity Team, CW Restorative Team, and CW Leadership Team who has the responsibility to facilitate change in instruction, philosophy, and building practices
  • Strong understanding of all district curriculum, philosophies, programs, resources, and stakeholders
  • Successful communicator and teammate with the ability to work closely with all stakeholders to make decisions and recommendations to best support the students of Wethersfield
  • Facilitated the finalization of the Elementary Science Curriculum with a close eye on alignment to NGSS, ease of implementation, rigor, differentiation and consistent science experience for all students in grades K-6
  • District leader in the implementation of math workshop and a new math resource to support effective, math instruction
  • District & Building Assessment Coordinator
  • Worked collaboratively with district leaders to create on assessment and pacing guides, as well as district communication
  • Worked closely with district leaders to implement a comprehension SEL program including an assessment system to help support students and the development of their social emotional skills
  • Supported staff with use of all educational software and programs to ensure that programs are used with fidelity and data can be used to drive instruction
  • Designed and presented New Teacher Professional Development that was aligned to new teacher experiences, roles, and needs.

Reading Consultant

Wethersfield Public Schools
01.2018 - 06.2021
  • Elementary Reading Consultant in an urban, neighborhood school with a changing demographic of students from a variety of cultures speaking over 25 different languages leading a team with the primary focus of ensuring that all students were able to grow at an appropriate rate based on their academic and social needs
  • Manages a team of tutors to ensure that all grade levels are supported with Tier I small group support and all students received quality intervention services
  • Collaborated with the RSVP Volunteer Program to bring 14 literacy volunteers into Charles Wright Elementary School on a weekly basis
  • Works with district instructional leaders to provide high quality, systematic professional development to ensure fidelity of instruction across the district
  • Professionally developed and supported teachers in the implementation of targeted small groups at the building and district level
  • Led the district implementation of F & P BAS including professional development for all leaders, teachers, and tutors
  • District leader in Teacher College Phonics UOS and DIBELS assessment
  • Developed and implemented a systematic process for delivery, monitoring, and assessing efficiency of SBRI practices for reading and math
  • Worked closely with our building leadership team to create a schedule that would utilize our resources in the most efficient way to support all of our students
  • Provides feedback and instructional coaching to teachers, paraprofessionals, and tutors

School-based SRBI Coordinator

Hamden Public Schools
08.2016 - 06.2018
  • Elementary SRBI Coordinator in an urban, neighborhood school with a history of low performance coordinating the intervention program developed around best instructional practice and methods of intervention implemented by a team of classroom teachers, literacy and math specialists, and fourteen tutors to meet the needs of students in all tiers
  • Led Helen Street School with a focus on SRBI which resulted in a significantly higher increases in student achievement than had been experienced in the years prior
  • Member of the Helen Street Crisis and Leadership Team
  • Managed a team of 14 tutors to implement focused, data driven interventions that had a large impact on student achievement across the building
  • Wrote & implemented Standard Treatment Protocols to help streamline the SRBI process across district
  • Collaborated with the Department of Education to share systems and strategies to manage and develop a strong SRBI process
  • Focused on the development of strong intervention practices in Grades K-3 to ensure that students are reading at grade level before 3rd grade
  • Determined the best strategies and schedule to meet the needs of all stakeholders for a successful intervention program
  • Coordinated and facilitated the MAP and SBAC assessments for all students
  • Case manager for over 95 students in the SRBI process including behavior, speech and occupational therapy
  • Monitored the data for K-6 to ensure that all students were receiving the appropriate level of supports
  • Constantly developed criteria, procedures, and protocols for improving all aspects of the SRBI process
  • Worked closely with district directors and the SRBI team to ensure that many aspects of the programming are consistent across schools
  • Member of the CAS Leadership Development Program
  • Trained in and implemented Restorative Practices
  • Wrote and implemented Behavior Intervention Plans

High School Literacy Specialist

Hamden Public Schools
08.2012 - 08.2016
  • Building Literacy Specialist in a diverse high school serving over 1800 students with various academic needs constantly developed and lead the building in a literacy initiative including literacy supports, schoolwide assessment, and professional development
  • Under my leadership, Hamden High School led the district in the number of students who made the most growth in Literacy on the NWEA MAP assessment in 2015/16 school-year
  • Developed, implemented and managed a Literacy program at the secondary level serving over 175 students per year ensuring that each one is motivated to develop the literacy skills necessary for college and career readiness
  • Highly involved in NEASC and member of the NEASC steering committee
  • Supported the development and finalization of school-wide rubrics
  • Coached and professionally developed 12 Literacy Team Members providing rigorous research based instruction in a small group setting
  • Led and managed a school-wide focus on literacy including the development of a year long professional development series led by 12 teacher leaders from various departments including collaborating and developing and administering beginning and end of the year school wide assessments to drive school-wide and instruction; responsible for developing and managing the budget for the initiative
  • Developed, implemented and supported a new course entitled 'Critical Thinking and Composition,' a double credit English course embedding best literacy practices with the English curriculum to allow students to develop skills that needed development
  • Implemented Columbia Writer's Workshop successfully at the high school level after recognizing a need for stronger writing instruction
  • Actively participated in the development of the 7-12 Language Arts Skill Scope & Sequence to assure alignment with the Common Core Stand Standards
  • Led the implementation of Professional Learning Communities at the Freshmen level with a focus on data driven decision making and best practices for instruction
  • Led the restructuring of the program to support 9th grade students with IEPS to include better use of staffing and incorporation of best practice to meet students needs effectively
  • Collaborated to develop and implement a plan for SRBI in grades 7-12
  • Wrote and was awarded a grant for Chromebooks in the Literacy Program
  • Active member of the K-12 Literacy Team supporting literacy development of all students PreK-12

Instructional Team Leader

Smalley Academy
01.2008 - 01.2012
  • Led grade level instructional teams in the development and implementation of CFAs centered around school-wide instructional goals using the professional skills developed while participating in CALI training and professional development provided by funding from the SIG grant in Data Driven Decision Making, Effective Teaching Strategies, and Common Formative Assessments
  • Contributing member of the school's 'School Improvement Team' that developed and implemented the SIP to ensure alignment with the DIP
  • Taught Grades 3-5

Classroom Teacher

Smalley Academy
01.2008 - 01.2012
  • Provided Literacy instruction including Guided Reading, Words their Way, Daily 5, and Being a Writer to over 100 students using the Project Child Model structure ensuring students were working towards mastery of the Common Cores Stand Standards
  • Provided Numeracy instruction to over 100 student using student centered strategies and individualized supports

Special Education Teacher

Louis P. Slade Middle School
01.2002 - 01.2008
  • Led the creation and implementation of a self-contained program for students with various needs including emotional disturbance, intellectual disabilities, down syndrome, and physical disabilities using research based methods
  • Developed a program for students with Autism including implementation of best practice for enhancing communication skills, social-emotional development, and physical skills in collaboration with pupil service staff
  • Developed the paraprofessional schedule for a building of over 1000 students and 100 staff to ensure that support staff was used in the most efficient manner to support the needs of students with IEPS

Special Education Teacher

Louis P. Slade Middle School
01.2002 - 01.2008
  • Efficiently used best practice to provide students a structured, engaging co-taught classroom where all students were participating in research based, student centered instruction in all content areas
  • Organized and ran a successful the first Unified Basketball Program at Louis P
  • Slade serving over 80 students in grades 6-8

Special Education Teacher

New Britain Public Schools
06.2002 - 08.2006

Special Education Teacher

Chamberlain Elementary School
01.2001 - 01.2002


Educational Leadership -

Sacred Heart University
Trumbull, CT

Master of Educational Leadership -

Central CT State University
New Britain, CT

Sixth Year Reading & Language Arts -

Central CT State University
New Britain, CT

Bachelors of Arts - Psychology, Elementary/Special Education

Marist College
Poughkeepsie, NY


  • Restorative Approaches
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Strategic Community Engagement
  • Cultivating Supportive Workplace Culture
  • Evaluation Coordination
  • School Improvement Planning
  • Student Engagement
  • Behavioral Support Strategies
  • Family Engagement
  • NGSS Aligned Curriculum Design
  • Evidence-Based Reading Practices
  • Instructional Technology
  • Building Thinking Classrooms
  • Teacher Leadership Development
  • Promoting Collaborative Work Environment
  • Teacher Recruitment & Development
  • Programming & Scheduling
  • Supporting Multilingual Learners
  • Specialized Education Planning
  • Educational Coaching
  • Effective Team Leadership
  • Strategic planning
  • Resource Allocation Management
  • Performance evaluation


  • State of Connecticut Intermediate Administration or Supervision (092), K-12
  • State of Connecticut Reading & Language Arts Consultant (097), K-12
  • State of Connecticut Remedial Reading & Language Arts (102), 1-12
  • State of Connecticut Comprehension Special Education (165), K-12
  • State of Connecticut Elementary Education (005), 1-6

District Committees

  • CTTechs District Special Education Department Team
  • CTTechs Transition Committee
  • CTTechs TEAM Program
  • AI Prince Technical High School NEASC Co-Chair
  • AI Prince Technical High School Climate Committee
  • WPS Coaching for Equity Leadership Team
  • WPS Equity Committee
  • WPS Math Curriculum Committee
  • WPS Science Curriculum Facilitator
  • WPS Curriculum Leadership Team
  • WPS Assessment Committee
  • WPS Curriculum Team
  • HPS District Professional Development Committee
  • HPS District Curriculum Review Committee
  • HPS District SRBI Committee/ Secondary Subcommittee

Leadership Experience

  • Principal Designee, Wethersfield Public Schools, Wethersfield, CT, 09/01/18, Present, Executes all responsibilities of building principal in the absence of the principal, Designs professional development experiences to encourage Courageous Conversations about important topics including Equity, Science of Reading, Restorative Practices, and Engagement, Developed, implemented and is always collecting feedback for improvement, a systematic system of collaboration for all staff members to allow for consistent, effective, professional conversations and development., Develops and creates safety plans, implements protocols for investigations for a variety of situations including situations impacting safety, Follows all health related protocols including communication to ensure that all stakeholders are safe, Develops, revises and implements plans for improved security in the building, Collaborates with community agencies to ensure that security and safety systems are coordinated with local agencies to ensure effectiveness if needed, Collaborates closely with school leaders to ensure that student needs are met, Works with office staff to ensure that all daily staff vacancies are filled in a manner that has the least impact on student learning., Leads PPT and 504 meetings
  • District Wide Curriculum Specialist/Instructional Coach, Wethersfield Public Schools, Wethersfield, CT, 09/01/18, Present, Member of the WPS District Equity Team, CW Restorative Team, and CW Leadership Team who has the responsibility to facilitate change in instruction, philosophy, and building practices, Strong understanding of all district curriculum, philosophies, programs, resources, and stakeholders, Successful communicator and teammate with the ability to work closely with all stakeholders to make decisions and recommendations to best support the students of Wethersfield, Facilitates the finalization of the Elementary Science Curriculum with a close eye on alignment to NGSS, ease of implementation, rigor, differentiation and consistent science experience for all students in grades K-6, District leader in the implementation of math workshop and a new math resource to support effective, math instruction, District & Building Assessment Coordinator, Works collaboratively with district leaders to create on assessment and pacing guides, as well as district communication, Works closely with district leaders to implement a comprehension SEL program including an assessment system to help support students and the development of their social emotional skills, Supports staff with use of all educational software and programs to ensure that programs are used with fidelity and data can be used to drive instruction
  • Reading Consultant, Wethersfield Public Schools, Wethersfield, CT, 09/01/18, Present, Elementary Reading Consultant in an urban, neighborhood school with a changing demographic of students from a variety of cultures speaking over 25 different languages leading a team with the primary focus of ensuring that all students were able to grow at an appropriate rate based on their academic and social needs, Manages a team of tutors to ensure that all grade levels are supported with Tier I small group support and all students received quality intervention services, Collaborated with the RSVP Volunteer Program to bring 14 literacy volunteers into Charles Wright Elementary School on a weekly basis, Works with district instructional leaders to provide high quality, systematic professional development to ensure fidelity of instruction across the district, Professionally developed and supported teachers in the implementation of targeted small groups at the building and district level, Led the district implementation of F & P BAS including professional development for all leaders, teachers, and tutors, District leader in Teacher College Phonics UOS and DIBELS assessment, Developed and implemented a systematic process for delivery, monitoring, and assessing efficiency of SBRI practices for reading and math, Worked closely with our building leadership team to create a schedule that would utilize our resources in the most efficient way to support all of our students, Provides feedback and instructional coaching to teachers, paraprofessionals, and tutors
  • School-based SRBI Coordinator, Hamden Public Schools, Hamden, CT, 08/01/16, 06/30/18, Elementary SRBI Coordinator in an urban, neighborhood school with a history of low performance coordinating the intervention program developed around best instructional practice and methods of intervention implemented by a team of classroom teachers, literacy and math specialists, and fourteen tutors to meet the needs of students in all tiers, Under my SRBI leadership, Helen Street students showed significantly higher increases in student achievement than had been experienced in the years prior, Member of the Helen Street Crisis and Leadership Team, Managed a team of 14 tutors to implement focused, data driven interventions that had a large impact on student achievement across the building, Wrote & implemented Standard Treatment Protocols to help streamline the SRBI process across district, Collaborated with the Department of Education to share systems and strategies to manage and develop a strong SRBI process, Focused on the development of strong intervention practices in Grades K-3 to ensure that students are reading at grade level before 3rd grade, Determined the best strategies and schedule to meet the needs of all stakeholders for a successful intervention program, Coordinated and facilitated the MAP and SBAC assessments for all students, Case manager for over 95 students in the SRBI process including behavior, speech and occupational therapy, Monitored the data for K-6 to ensure that all students were receiving the appropriate level of supports, Constantly developed criteria, procedures, and protocols for improving all aspects of the SRBI process, Worked closely with district directors and the SRBI team to ensure that many aspects of the programming are consistent across schools, Member of the CAS Leadership Development Program, Trained in and implemented Restorative Practices, Wrote and implemented Behavior Intervention Plans
  • High School Literacy Specialist, Hamden Public Schools, Hamden, CT, 08/01/12, 08/01/16, Building Literacy Specialist in a diverse high school serving over 1800 students with various academic needs constantly developed and lead the building in a literacy initiative including literacy supports, schoolwide assessment, and professional development, Under my leadership, Hamden High School led the district in the number of students who made the most growth in Literacy on the NWEA MAP assessment in 2015/16 school-year, Developed, implemented and managed a Literacy program at the secondary level serving over 175 students per year ensuring that each one is motivated to develop the literacy skills necessary for college and career readiness, Highly involved in NEASC and member of the NEASC steering committee, Supported the development and finalization of school-wide rubrics, Coached and professionally developed 12 Literacy Team Members providing rigorous research based instruction in a small group setting, Led and managed a school-wide focus on literacy including the development of a year long professional development series led by 12 teacher leaders from various departments including collaborating and developing and administering beginning and end of the year school wide assessments to drive school-wide and instruction; responsible for developing and managing the budget for the initiative, Developed, implemented and supported a new course entitled 'Critical Thinking and Composition,' a double credit English course embedding best literacy practices with the English curriculum to allow students to develop skills that needed development, Implemented Columbia Writer's Workshop successfully at the high school level after recognizing a need for stronger writing instruction, Actively participated in the development of the 7-12 Language Arts Skill Scope & Sequence to assure alignment with the Common Core Stand Standards, Led the implementation of Professional Learning Communities at the Freshmen level with a focus on data driven decision making and best practices for instruction, Led the restructuring of the program to support 9th grade students with IEPS to include better use of staffing and incorporation of best practice to meet students needs effectively, Collaborated to develop and implement a plan for SRBI in grades 7-12, Wrote and was awarded a grant for Chromebooks in the Literacy Program, Active member of the K-12 Literacy Team supporting literacy development of all students PreK-12
  • Instructional Team Leader 3rd -5th, Smalley Academy, New Britain, CT, 08/01/08, 06/30/12, Led grade level instructional teams in the development and implementation of CFAs centered around school-wide instructional goals using the professional skills developed while participating in CALI training and professional development provided by funding from the SIG grant in Data Driven Decision Making, Effective Teaching Strategies, and Common Formative Assessments, Contributing member of the school's 'School Improvement Team' that developed and implemented the SIP to ensure alignment with the DIP
  • Special Education Teacher 6th-8th, Louis P. Slade Middle School, New Britain, CT, 08/01/02, 06/30/08, Led the creation and implementation of a self-contained program for students with various needs including emotional disturbance, intellectual disabilities, down syndrome, and physical disabilities using research based methods, Developed a program for students with Autism including implementation of best practice for enhancing communication skills, social-emotional development, and physical skills in collaboration with pupil service staff, Developed the paraprofessional schedule for a building of over 1000 students and 100 staff to ensure that support staff was used in the most efficient manner to support the needs of students with IEPs

Honors & Recongitions

Teacher of the Year Nominee CTTECHS 2025

Consolidated School District, Torch of the Future Award

WPS, HPS, NBPS Teacher of the Month  


Department Head of Special Education

CT Technical System
10.2023 - Current

Principal Designee

Wethersfield Public Schools
01.2018 - 10.2023

District Wide Curriculum Specialist/Instructional Coach

Wethersfield Public Schools
01.2018 - 10.2023

Reading Consultant

Wethersfield Public Schools
01.2018 - 06.2021

School-based SRBI Coordinator

Hamden Public Schools
08.2016 - 06.2018

High School Literacy Specialist

Hamden Public Schools
08.2012 - 08.2016

Instructional Team Leader

Smalley Academy
01.2008 - 01.2012

Classroom Teacher

Smalley Academy
01.2008 - 01.2012

Special Education Teacher

New Britain Public Schools
06.2002 - 08.2006

Special Education Teacher

Louis P. Slade Middle School
01.2002 - 01.2008

Special Education Teacher

Louis P. Slade Middle School
01.2002 - 01.2008

Special Education Teacher

Chamberlain Elementary School
01.2001 - 01.2002

Master of Educational Leadership -

Central CT State University

Sixth Year Reading & Language Arts -

Central CT State University

Bachelors of Arts - Psychology, Elementary/Special Education

Marist College
  • State of Connecticut Intermediate Administration or Supervision (092), K-12
  • State of Connecticut Reading & Language Arts Consultant (097), K-12
  • State of Connecticut Remedial Reading & Language Arts (102), 1-12
  • State of Connecticut Comprehension Special Education (165), K-12
  • State of Connecticut Elementary Education (005), 1-6

Educational Leadership -

Sacred Heart University
Michelle Demko Borselle