Work History
Additional Information

Mohammad Abidi

Rancho Cucamonga,CA


Information Security Specialist with passion for aligning security architecture plans and processes with security standards and business goals. Extensive experience developing and testing security frameworks. Versed in robust network defense strategies.


years of professional experience

Work History

Network Security Analyst

Noble One Realty
05.2021 - Current
  • Provides high value security analysis for the organization
  • Suggests and installs new network technology and IT security infrastructure
  • Completes analysis of the information security posture of the organization.

Cyber Security Associate

Minos Labs, Remote
02.2021 - 05.2021
  • Worked in a team environment through training programs conducting penetration tests and information analysis.

IT Analyst

Dua Fragrances
Montclair, CA
06.2020 - 01.2021
  • Supervised operation of computer hardware, software and network security as well as led a production team.

IT Technician

Fullerton, CA
06.2019 - 11.2019
  • Configured computer workstations, printers, and other peripherals working in a team environment.

Web Developer

Singularity Web Solutions
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
03.2017 - 02.2019
  • Designed and programmed websites to meet the needs of a variety of businesses and organizations using WordPress, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Private Tutor

Rancho Cucamonga, CA
12.2015 - 06.2016
  • Tutored students in computer science and different levels of mathematics.


B.S - Computer Information Systems: Cyber Security

California State Polytechnic University

High School Diploma -

City of Knowledge School


  • Languages: Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, MySQL, Bash Shell, Power Shell, Python, Command Line
  • Operating Systems: Windows 10, Mac OS, Parrot Security, Kali Linux, FireEye Commando Mandiant VM, Windows Server 2016, Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS, Android, iOS
  • Cyber Security Tools and Compliance: Nessus, Qualys, Antivirus, Splunk SIEM, HIPPA, NIST, ISO 20071, CCPA, GDPR
  • Penetration Testing: OWASP Top 10, CWE, Nmap, Metasploit, MSF venom, SQLmap, BurpSuite Pro, OWASP ZAP, Wireshark, Tcpdump, Air crack-ng, Buffer Overflow, Fuzzing, Nikto, Arachni, OpenVAS, Maltego, Social-Engineering
  • Applications: Microsoft Office 365, MySQL Server Management, VMWare, VirtualBox, VSphere, ESXi, PFSense
  • Data Analytics: Orange, Tableau, Excel
  • Networking: TCP/IP, DNS, OSI Model, VPN SSL, Firewall, HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, JSON, REST, Wireshark network traffic analysis, Packet inspection, Linux Server, Windows Server, Active Directory, Disaster Recovery Services
  • Cloud: Digital Ocean, AWS Cloud, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Heroku
  • Forensics: EnCase Forensics Examiner, Forensics Toolkit (FTK)

Additional Information

  • OWASP Top 10 – Conducted learning and research on the top 10 web application vulnerabilities using methods such as SQL injection, Broken authentication, Broken access control and Cross-site scripting (XSS) in the Portswigger Web Security Lab using tools such as Burpsuite.
  • Hack the Box – Practice penetration testing skills through Capture-the-flag exercises on using Parrot Security and Kali Linux with tools such as Nmap and Metasploit to develop comprehensive attack plans and follow through strategic plan of action to break into multiple systems.
  • Mobile Android Internet Security Device – Installed Kali Linux NetHunter and supportive tools onto an android device to run network and device security-testing, analysis, monitoring and diagnostics. Pi-Hole – Configured a local DNS server as a Blackhole/Sinkhole DNS for security purposes to block and remove external unauthorized network information requests using a lightweight and compact Raspberry Pi.
  • Custom Computing – Designed, built, and configured a custom computer using components from different manufacturers such as Corsair, Ryzen and GeForce to gain experience in hardware and software collaboration.


Network Security Analyst

Noble One Realty
05.2021 - Current

Cyber Security Associate

Minos Labs, Remote
02.2021 - 05.2021

IT Analyst

Dua Fragrances
06.2020 - 01.2021

IT Technician

06.2019 - 11.2019

Web Developer

Singularity Web Solutions
03.2017 - 02.2019

Private Tutor

12.2015 - 06.2016

B.S - Computer Information Systems: Cyber Security

California State Polytechnic University

High School Diploma -

City of Knowledge School
Mohammad Abidi