
Ph.D. candidate trained in educational psychology, measurement, and statistics with expertise in data analysis and research in education. Specializes in test development, evaluation, and validation. Reliable individual, smart and committed to job well done and offering exceptional drive. Organized and dependable, successful at managing multiple priorities with a positive attitude.
Received Tuition Scholarship funded by the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology.
Received Judges Choice Team Award in 2020-2021 DataVisualization Contest organized by the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS): Statistically Accurate Interactive Display in Graphics (SAID in Graphics).
Received 2021 Frank J. Filippone-Hillside House Scholarship
Received 2020 Frank J. Filippone-Hillside House Scholarship
Received 2019 Ralph W. Harbison Fellowship Scholarship
Courses Taken:
3.74 GPA
Research Projects
Adlerbert Scholarship Recipient
EPG 654: Psychological Test and Measurement
3.82 GPA
Thesis: Does English medium of instruction affect development of cultural values in teenage students at English Version Schools in Bangladesh? Hypothesis testing. Results: English Version school-sections do contribute to divergent cultural perceptions of their students, even more than international schools.
Questionnaire/test development
1. Rosca, O., Colvin, K., Andrade, H. L., & Bryer, J. (2023, April 13–15). Comparison of reliability coefficients for a single-administration survey [e-Board presentation]. National Council for Measurement in Education Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
2. Battista, C., Liu, Q., Huang, R., Rosca, O., & Baker, E. R. (in preparation). Does paternal incarceration have an additive effect beyond poverty on preschool children's academic and social skills?
3. Mir, H., Rosca, O., Liu, Q., & Blakeslee, E. J. (Accepted for Publication). Factors that influence tenure of direct support professionals in New York State. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
4. Yu, E-C., Rosca, O., & Andrade, H. (2022, August 4-6). Predictive validity evidence for machine-scored diagnostic writing assessment [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN.
5. Mir, M., Rosca, O., Liu, Q., Blakeslee, E. J., (2021) Poster presentation at the Association for University Centers in Disability (AUCD) Conference: Factors that Influence the Tenure of Direct Support Professionals in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Field.
6. Rosca, O. (2021). Applying Influence Statistics to Differential Susceptibility. Poster presentation at the Educational Psychology and Methodology 20th annual poster session, SUNY-Albany.
7. Blakeslee, E. J., Mir, M., Rosca, O., Liu, Q. (2020). Factors that influence the tenure of direct support professionals in the intellectual and developmental disabilities field. Poster presentation at the APA Annual Convention 2020, Washington DC. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
8. Haji-Georgi, M., Xu, X., & Rosca, O. (2020). Academic conferencing in 2020: A virtual conference model. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3(2).
9. Rosca, O. (2020). Direct Support Professionals: Staff stability. Poster presentation at the Educational Psychology and Methodology 19th annual poster session, SUNY-Albany.
10. Rosca, O. (2020, Apr 17 - 21). Educational Equity in Moldova: Testing for Moderation in Socioeconomic Status–Achievement Interaction [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled).
11. Rosca, O. (2019). Educational equity in Moldovan schools: what can be concluded and what cannot be concluded from PISA 2015 results from Moldova. The Institutions & Societies: Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference co-hosted by the Rockefeller College Graduate Association of Political Science (GAPS) and the Students of Educational Administration for Change (SEAChange).
12. Rosca, O. (2019). Compensatory vs. anti-compensatory educational systems: educational equity. Poster presentation at the Educational Psychology and Methodology 18th annual poster session, SUNY-Albany.
13. Rosca, O. (2019). Educational equity in Moldovan compulsory schools: factors behind outcome differences in PISA 2015. Poster presentation at the AERA Annual Meeting Toronto.
14. Rosca, O. (2019). Random slope models in the assessment of educational equity. Presentation at the Fifth Annual School of Education Day, SUNY-Albany.
15. Rosca, O., (2014). Which factor of schooling is the most affecting the development of cultural values in Bangladeshi teenagers? International Journal of Management & Computing Science, 4(1), 81-88. Paper presented at 12th International Conference of Management and Behavioural Sciences (ICMBS) organized by the Society of Management and Behavioural Sciences India and Canada in Jaipur, India. ISSN: 2231-3303.
16. Rosca, O. (2014). Effects of the medium of instruction and educational curriculum type on development of cultural values in Bangladeshi teenagers. International Conference on Youth, Gender, and HIV (ICYGH), Lucknow, India. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4096.6723
17. Yu, E-C., Rosca, O., & Andrade, H. (2022, August 4-6). Predictive validity evidence for machine-scored diagnostic writing assessment [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN.