Healthy, hardworking professional looking to make the next job to make the last. I'm in it for the long haul. 34 Years of experience it the arts, Woodworking expert. Has had many jobs and advanced in all of them. Worked doing construction, remodeling, refurbishing, landscape architecture, masonry, excavating, farming, deliveries, repossessions, woodworking, antique repair/ refurbishment, appraisals, violin construction/ repair/ assembly, varnishing, painting, design, fabrication, warehouse work, loading, unloading, elder/ neuro impaired care, housekeeping, cooking, wound care, distributing meds, charting, evaluating, cooking, cleaning, and much more. Many years of experience using hand tools, electrical tools and heavy machinery.
I'm a talented Artist with 34 years of experience with many mediums. I have gotten my hands dirty working with all forms of art. I have sculpted full scale replicas of monsters like Pumpkin Head and the Alien from Alien. I have worked the potters wheel and made 3 chambered coiled pots from the scraps. I've made inspired by the Dr. Seuss and constructed birdhouses that appear to be straight from the pages. I spend 8 years honing my skills as a Luthier. I've created landscapes that have been described as picturesque and harmonious. Art is my passion and I've only just begone to paint the world pink.