Geographic Information System (ArcGIS)
Fresh graduate with a Master's degree in Environmental Science and Policy with 2 years experience around research, communication and engagement internships within non-profit organizations. Progressive professional track record, trilingual, passionate, solution oriented and seeking opportunities to learn.
Reviewed and researched over 30+ scientific and grey literature on adaptation-related responses to climate change in human systems around the globe for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report.
Collected qualitative data from the literature and successfully quantified, analyzed, and synthesized information in Excel.
Demonstrated resiliency and the zeal to develop skills to quantify climate adaptation projects extracted from the literature review.
•Mentored and managed over 50 youth for a campaign aimed at climate adaptation in the mountain region
• Contributed to core discussions on sustainable approaches and practices to the project Great Himalayan Trail- the longest mountain walking trail project in the Himalayas
Climate science/communication
Geographic Information System (ArcGIS)
Microsoft Excel