Enthusiastic, motivated individual with 5 years of experience planning, leading, and presenting on a variety of project types seeking to provide customer support and establish positive working relationships with clients. Natural leader and problem-solver with exceptional skills in customer relations, project-management, and program integration. Extensive mentoring and tutoring experience. Skilled communicator adept at training individuals and identifying process improvements by designing, developing, and implementing various strategies and technologies. Relationship builder who connects people, fuels collaboration, and enjoys a challenge.
Insurance General Lines - Health, Accident, Life -
(TX - Resident) (PA - Nonresident) (UT - Nonresident)
General Education EC-6
Special Education EC-12
ESL Certified
Insurance General Lines - Health, Accident, Life -
(TX - Resident) (PA - Nonresident) (UT - Nonresident)
General Education EC-6
Special Education EC-12
ESL Certified