Certified Adapted Physical Educator (CAPE)
Created and directed Unified Athletics program at Martha's Vineyard Regional High School
Tier-2 trained in Collaborative Problem Solving behavioral interventions
Project Adventure: Adventure-Based Team Building
Presenter at annual statewide PE and APE teachers conferences
Consulted and conducted training in neighboring community PD for APE
Professional Status Licensed in Physical Education (Massachusetts)
Martha's Vineyard Vision Fellowship recipient 2017
Adapt instructional techniques to the age and skill levels of students. Instruct students, using Adapted Physical Education techniques, Improve physical fitness, gross motor skills, perceptual motor skills, or sports and game achievement.
Manage PE department staff, budget, teacher and student scheduling.
Coordinate with administration in all department related matters.
Provide maximum physical activity time within the class period, teach skills and activities that transfer into physical activity outside of physical education class, motivate children to be physically active.
Unified Athletics Program Director
Coordinate Special Education Services for caseload of students on IEP.
Provide direct instruction in Executive Functioning through Academic Support class.
Experience and job description same as role listed above
1:1 educational support for children with significant Autism
Implemented ABA and IEP goals and objectives
Monitored progress of goal acquisition
Provided personal support in daily living tasks
Facilitated individual and group play opportunities
Consulted with BCBA, PT/OT, SLP