Work History

Sara Taylor



Hey. A little bit a back my background is as follows. I know my way around machinery and enjoy the factory work setting where I can put my natural skills to work. I am a VERY hard worker that doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty. I catch on quick and take pride in my work and I take pride in having a strong work ethic. I have confidence in myself because I get the job done. I love to learn new skills and put them to use. I’m an excellent employee. I come to work to work and maintain an optimal workplace environment and community atmosphere.

Work History

Iron-OP 1

Vestis - Formally Aramark
01.2024 - 04.2024

As an iron operator, I worked mainly on iron 1. Being one of 5 on a team, I “ran” aprons, napkins and pillow cases through the front end of an industrial sized ironing machine. Simply put, ironing garments for companies in need of neatly pressed and packaged cloth items. I was also rotated amongst the plant to work different stations which included packaging towels, sorting and hanging personalized garments being prepared for shipment, sorting the items from incoming “bins” on an assembly line apparatus, and shipping orders. Very good at making production. I have experience safely working with heavy machinery and are aware of the procedures and guidelines that accompany any facility.


Associate Degree In Nursing - Nursing

Holmes Community College
Goodman, MS


  • Construction safety
  • Heavy Lifting
  • Power Tools Proficiency
  • Weather Tolerance
  • Safety protocols and procedures
  • Safety measures
  • Job site preparation
  • Equipment Assembly
  • Specifications Interpretation


Iron-OP 1

Vestis - Formally Aramark
01.2024 - 04.2024

Associate Degree In Nursing - Nursing

Holmes Community College
Sara Taylor