I strive to make a difference in the community and I believe the best way to do that is by helping others. Hard work and dedication can help me achieve lifelong goal’s.
• Dispatch to emergencies as a Type I CAL FIRE Hand Crew to perform duties in operations including but not limited to initial attack fire suppression, hand line construction using LCES standards while maintaining standards of conduct.
• Perform hand crew duties including packing line gear including water, tools, food, and a variety of equipment over varies terrain in hot and smoky conditions to get to the work site. Responsible for packing out gear and materials.
• Use of drip torches and fusees for ignition of burn piles, fire operations, and during prescribed burning.
• Perform numerous fuel reduction projects during inactive/staffing patterns while waiting for contact from fire dispatch.
• Work collaboratively with CAL FIRE Crews as a strike team to perform duties on various emergencies.
• Perform a variety of shift assignments including 24-hour shifts as assigned by overhead personnel while on emergency assignment.
• Patrol Fire line for heats, roll-out and other threats to the line.
• Apply working knowledge of fuels, terrain, weather, and fire behavior into decisions and actions related to emergency dispatch and daily assignments.
• Use training in Incident Command System (ICS) terminology, organization, and command structure in daily activities while on emergency dispatch assignment.
• Ensure use of personal protection equipment (PPE) and worked with cache/unit supply, for replacements as needed using appropriate forms.
• Follow standard operating procedures (SOPs). detailed by CAL Fire, Crew Supervisors, and fire personnel.
• Ensure inventory control by proper restocking and resupply of tools, vehicles, food, water, and supplies.
• Remove vegetation, constructed Fire line from residential properties to protect from active fire emergencies.
• Maintain peak physical conditioning while performing as a Firefighter I.
• Take weather observations using Belt Weather kit and report hourly to Division resources on Tac channel using BK radio.
• Identify hazard trees in the burn area (candlesticks, cat faces, burned-out root systems, snags, etc.) and took necessary precautions by removing or monitoring for reignition.
• Adjust tactics during initial attack to address slop-overs, spot fires, and a need to retreat and regroup.
• Bump messages throughout crew during line construction.
• Able to recognize and respond effectively to an IWI.
• Complete mop-up and gridding, including use of backpack pump when hose lays are not available.
• Cut Fire line, mop-up hot spots, and support hose lays by using chainsaws and/or other hand tools to assist with wildland fire suppression.
• Monitor fire weather conditions using hand-held kestrel weather kit.
• Communicate with the District's emergency dispatch center via hand-held radio or vehicle radio to report daily work site location or to report emergencies.
• Manage day-to-day operations based on goals established by supervisor and CalFire.
• Perform construction/deconstruction of hose lays using various tools such as gated Ys, inline Ts, nozzles, reducers/increasers, and spanner wrenches and manual carrying of bladder bags as necessary on various terrains on large and small fires.
• Perform burn-out operations to ensure minimal loss of natural resources.
• Perform mop-up operations including but not limited to cold trailing, smoke mitigation, extinguishing all heat sources within fire-line parameters as assigned.
Machine operator, 04/01/22, Present, Operating a kval door machine. Can run manually and by program.
Fire science 2018-19
Machine operator, 04/01/22, Present, Operating a kval door machine. Can run manually and by program.
Fire science 2018-19