Assists the administrative head of a large operational unit of the Probation Department in the performance of general duties, and with direct responsibility for specialized programs or functions such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) compliance standards. The Use of Force Reviewer is a component of the DOJ compliance standards, and a function for the Assistant Director. The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) compliance coordinator at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall is also a federal compliance standard that is overseen by the facility Assistant Director. The Assistant Director is responsible for all the Special Assignments functions with the facility, including the Behavior Management Program (BMP). The BMP program is a behavioral management system to acknowledge positive behavior and progress while addressing negative and regressive behaviors. The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) is also under the umbrella of the DOJ and the responsibility of the facility Assistant Director. The MDT is a multiple agency collaborative treatment team to provide the most effective and evidence-based services.
As Assistant Probation Director in an administrative capacity, ensuring compliance with Federal, State, local, and Departmental policies. Oversaw Department of Justice compliance regarding the use of force, staff ratios, and access to care for approximately 250 detained youths and 300 sworn Peace Officers. Additionally, As a compliance officer regarding Federal mandates to eliminate sexual assault and sexual harassment in institutions. Specifically, compliance officer of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). At the institutional level, I monitored and oversaw the federally mandated Family Leave and Medical Act (FMLA)as Assistant Probation Director. I also established and implemented institutional plans to monitor and curtail excessive unscheduled absences. Assistant Director responsibilities included managing living unit operations and addressing employees' conduct and work standards.
As Deputy Probation Officer ll, I worked in the Suitable Placement program for five years. It identified appropriate placement programs and monitored the youth's progress through bi-monthly in-person meetings with the youth, parents, school, and school treatment services providers. Compiling comprehensive court reports with appropriate and logical recommendations. I was assigned to the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act (JJCPA) School-Based program for eight years. In this assignment, I was embedded on a school campus and was responsible for ensuring appropriate and consistent school attendance and academic progress. During my assignment at Pomona High School, several students
I taught Criminal Justice courses at the university level for five years. Studies included Juvenile Justice, Court Systems, Institutional Corrections, Communication in theCriminal Justice System, and first-year Written Communication.