Passionate Trainer with extensive knowledge of logistics and transportation training and proven success working with military and civilian clients. Vigilant Transportation Non-commissioned Officer with 30 years of experience inspecting passengers and baggage to maintain safety and security of traveling public. Reliable and communicative professional familiar with x-ray, hand wand and explosive detection machine operations. Commended for acting quickly to counter security threats and exercising sound judgment while performing observations while serving on 9 different deployments as a soldier. Experienced in screening people, belongings and shipments for contraband and hazardous materials. Proficient in conducting close personal searches as well as using tools such as security wands when applicable. Background working in multi-modal transportation hubs.
Former U.S. Army Cargo Specialist (MOS 88H) with 30+ years of experience providing logistics and transportation expertise to diverse groups of military and civilian organizations.
Taught UMODC (Unit Movement Officer Deployment Course) and GATES (Global Air Transportation Execution System) for the Transportation School at Ft Lee, VA (2020-2022) Graduating 1500 students per year. Students were taught how to prepare and deploy equipment on aircrafts, vessels, railcars or on trucks over highways using various transportations systems like GATES, TC AIMS II and JOPES.
Present classroom instruction, training in a field environment and participate as Mobile Training Teams( MTT) as needed. Determine the learning objectives and task learning relationships, cluster learning events, organize course content, and develop instruction design plan. Conduct conferences, briefings, practical exercises, lectures and other activities; develops practical exercises and similar classroom activities; follow established lesson plan making adjustments to presentation as needed; controls student activities and behavior for effective learning conditions; responds to student reactions, questions, and performance without omitting established objectives
Taught AIT at the Transportation School on Ft Eustis for 12 years
Coordinated and integrate the types and capabilities of instructional methods, materials, and media; Conducted training sessions on the characteristics and procedures for loading Airlift Military Command (AMC) cargo aircrafts. Study technical reference materials in the subject field. Specified the time and emphasis given each lesson plan in terms of training objectives and continuity. Followed up on course and program graduates.
KBR – Mosul, Iraq March 2006-2007
Movement Control Supervisor
• Manage and coordinate the planning, execution, scheduling, and routing of all freight shipments via land, sea, and air transportation resources, managing 45 personnel and 60 pieces of equipment.
• Work closely with project and construction management staff to develop plans, policies, and procedures for project transportation support.
• Ensure transportation sections comply with contract requirements.
• Facilitate effective communications throughout transportation organization.
• Cross level assets (using on-hand personnel and assets, ensure sufficient capabilities are in place) to cover surge and demobilization requirements.
• Utilize working knowledge of ground transportation, freight forwarding, military supply operations, and distribution administration.
• Analyze and evaluate Defense Transportation System reports, QC, and traffic management functions.
• Utilize knowledge with Department of Defense (DOD) transportation contracts.
• Skilled in organizing and supervising movement, deployment, and redeployment of personnel and equipment in a military and joint environment with civilians.
• Skilled in personal computing, to include hardware, software and Microsoft Office applications.
2003-2004 During Operation Iraqi Freedom; Accounted for more than $450 million in deployable installation equipment.
Directed the day-to-day logistical operations for four battalions (5,000 soldiers),
Tracked and maintained visibility of two seaports, one airport, 16 Army vessels discharged and all of the 7th Trans Group convoys which accumulated over 6,135,677 miles.
2001-2005 As 7th Sustainment Brigade NCOIC managed over $450 million worth of equipment in four different battalions, at five different locations and on two separate posts.
Managed the daily tasking of over 1,800 pieces of equipment and 5,000 soldiers on Ft. Eustis and Ft. Story.
1998 During Desert Thunder discharged 5,935 passengers, 23 tracked vehicles, 955 wheel vehicles, 646 pallets, 44 helicopters
1997 At Howard AFB supervised the reception, staging, and onward movement of over 6,000 tons of cargo, 7,000 passengers, 500 pallets, and 250 pieces of rolling stock.