I've been working on myself for a very long time trying to get better and better each and every day, working at a gym helped me start paying attention and working on my health. Being a Mover helped me realize what real physical strength and endurance is. Working in a casino has actually taught me the most of all, working on your mind. I say this because working in a casino isn't all fun and games, Temptation is thrown at you from all angles, Distortion, i feel being in there is bringing my vibration lower and lower. People try to change you they see your happy and they just lost thousands so they try and bring you down with them. That's where the mental comes in, if you are not strong you will drown with them. My mental has aged 3x since working there and i have only been there 3 years, i feel i have something real to offer these kids that are struggling because i have been there drowning, i just want a chance to show them what the light really looks like. Empathetic coach with good understanding of different cultures, perspectives and experiences. Eager to put leadership and problem-solving skills into practice. Personable and dedicated to helping the youth navigate difficult situations and resolve conflicts positively and constructively.