Hands-on Regional Operations Manager with exceptional gifts in budgetary and cost control. Adaptable and versatile to oversee multiple locations. Exceptionally skilled at motivating location managers to perform duties and achieve highest potential. Positive Regional Operations Manager with an optimistic attitude toward striving to be the best in terms of performance and customer satisfaction. Proficient at carrying out regular operational reviews and leading regional management teams. Knowledge of budgeting, succession planning and performance management. Strong leader and problem-solver dedicated to streamlining operations to decrease costs and promote organizational efficiency. Uses independent decision-making skills and sound judgment to positively impact company success. Encouraging manager and analytical problem-solver with talents for team building, leading and motivating, as well as excellent customer relations aptitude and relationship-building skills. Proficient in using independent decision-making skills and sound judgment to positively impact company success. Dedicated to applying training, monitoring and morale-building abilities to enhance employee engagement and boost performance.